object(DateTime)#1023 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-17 17:43:08.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Master’s magistracy

«Magistracy – the professional educational training program of postgraduate education directed on preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel with the award of the academic degree "master" on the corresponding specialty.

The master – the academic degree, awarded to the persons who have mastered professional training programs of postgraduate education.»

Learning in a magistracy is carried out in two directions:

  1. profile with learning term not less than a year (1-1,5 years);
  2. scientific and pedagogical with term of learning of 2 years.

Master’s education programs (License)

Code and classification of the education field: 7M01 Pedagogical sciences

Code and classification of the education field: 7M02 Arts and Humanities

7M02302 Translation Studies (English) (2 years)

7M02307 Kazakh Рhilology (1 years)

Code and classification of the education field: 7M03 Social sciences, Journalism and Information

Code and classification of the education field: 7M04 Business, Management and Law

7M04103 Accounting and Audit (2 years)

7M04106 Marketing (2 years)

7M04108 State and local government (1 years)

7M04111 Finance (1 years)

Name of groups of educational programs: M074 Finance, banking and insurance
Code and classification of training directions: 7M041 Business and administration

7M04112 Economics (1 years)

Code and classification of the education field: 7M05 Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics

Code and classification of the education field: 7M06 Information and communication technologies

Code and classification of the education field: 7M07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries

7M07104 Electric Power Engineering (1 years)

7M07103 Technological Machines and Equipment (engineering) (1 years)

Code and classification of the education field: 7M08 Agriculture and Bioresources

Code and classification of the education field: 7M09 Veterinary

Admission committee