In accordance with the Message of the Head of State Tokayev K.K. to the people of Kazakhstan dated September 1st, 2020 "Kazakhstan in the new reality: time to act" in order to transfer advanced scientific technologies every year 500 scientists are provided with internships in leading centers of the world.
University staff became scholars of the international program "Bolashak" and in 2022 under the project "500 scientists" E.K. Nauryzbaeva, G.K. Nurusheva and A.A. Tashetov went to Naberezhnochelninsk Institute of KFU, Naberezhnye Chelny, and D.K. Dambaulova - to Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia.
Nauryzbaeva Elmira Kenzhegalievna, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Internship direction: Pedagogical sciences
- From May 25 to 27, 2022 she participated in the VIII International Forum on Teacher Education, where she made a report on "The Experience of implementing joint and double degree educational programs.
- On May 25, 2022 she took part in the panel discussion "Psychological and Pedagogical supervision as a form of support of teachers in the profession," participated in the training "Organization of educational work of the curator of the group with freshmen.
- On May 26, 2022 participated in KFU open podiums "Digital Platforms: Experience of International Community of Researchers in Teacher Education" and "Presentation of internship programs for university teachers", took part in the panel discussion "New Quality of University Education in the Post-Pandemic Period".
- On May 28th, 2022, she participated in the work of the 10th International Open Pedagogical Forum "Education: Realities and Perspectives", where she spoke at the section "Contemporary History Education" with a report on "History Education in School: Experience and Problems".
- On May 30, she took part in the master class "Language Animation", where she was introduced to the method of teaching "Language Animation".
- On June 2, 2022 took part in the work of the international scientific-practical conference "Quality of Life of Population in Industrial Lands of Strategy "Society 5.0", where she presented papers on "Critical Thinking as a Psycho-pedagogical phenomenon in terms of competence approach".
- On June 17, 2022, she took part in the panel discussion "Digital Competencies as the Basis of Transformation in Higher Education.
- On June 24, 2022, she was a speaker at the pitch session "Modern Forms of Educational Work in Higher Education: Content and Perspectives "..
- On July 7, 2022, she participated in the panel discussion "University in Modern Realities"
- She took refresher training courses on the following programs: "Management in Education", "Modern Methods and Technologies of History Teaching", "Central Asia: History, Culture, Modernity", "Methodological Problems and Methods of Source Studies", " Verbal History and Practice".
- Results of studying and mastering of courses "Foresight-research in education" and "Foresight-session methodology" are prepared for publication in the journal recommended by the Committee on quality assurance in the sphere of science and higher education of the Ministry of science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - CQSHE) on "Foresight as means of development of meta-competences in humanitarian profile".
Dambaulova Gulmira Karimzhanovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Internship direction: Education Management
During her internship, she participated in the MSU:
- Conference "Business Evolution through 1000 and 1 mistakes".
- International Youth Scientific Forum "Lomonosov - 2022" for students, graduate students and young scientists. "The creation of scientific and educational schools is a know-how, a practical contribution to the science of the future."
- Panorama Festival of Education and Professions.
- International scientific and practical conference "Economics, management, financial security: challenges, problems, perspectives".
- St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
- Annual Loyalty Marketing Summit Forum 2022, devoted to practical aspects of development, implementation and management of loyalty programs.
- Business game "Strategic environment" aimed at development of strategic competencies for work in boards of directors.
- Conference " Number in the real sector of economy: a course for import substitution".
During the internship held a number of meetings with leading professors of universities in Moscow on the subject of cooperation in the preparation of undergraduates, PhDs, students of MBA, EMBA programs. In order to establish international contacts for joint projects and create new areas for cooperation, several working meetings were held: with experts of the Department of International Relations of the Lomonosov Moscow State University; coordinator of international programs of the PFUR Faculty of Economics; director of the partner network development ANO "University 2035" and others.
Tashetov Amanzhol Askarovich, PhD
Internship direction: Educational sciences
In accordance with the goal during the internship the following tasks were carried out:
- passed courses, trainings and master-classes of leading experts of university on pedagogical innovations and technologies, design of content, on document management;
- prepared for publication of the article in the journal recommended by CQAES MES RK on "Foresight as a means of development of meta-competencies in the humanities profile";
- meeting of educational and methodical commission of the Department of Law and Social Sciences of Higher School of Economics and Law NCI KFU from May 31, 2022, and the educational and methodical council of Kostanai Regional University named after A. Baitursynov from 24.06.2022 and approved and recommended for publication of teaching manual "Modern educational technologies in higher education" intended for students of educational specialties
During the internship attended consultations Evgrafova Olga Gennadyevna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Philology. Theoretical and pedagogical bases of research work, in higher education institutions on the preparation of future specialists in the process of pedagogical innovation in higher education in a globalized environment were investigated on the subject.
Took part in the work of the methodological seminar of the Department of Philology and the Institute of Education and Psychological Sciences.
From May 25 to 27, 2022 took part in the VIII International Forum for Pedagogical Education at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (Kazan).
Nurusheva Gulmira Keldybaevna, Master of History
Internship direction: Educational sciences
- From May 25 to May 27, 2022, she participated in the VIII International Forum on Teacher Education, where she made a report on "Psychological and pedagogical support of personality in the achievement of educational goals", took part in the training "Organization of educational work of a group curator with the freshmen students".
- On May 28, 2022, took part in the work of the 10th International open pedagogical forum "Education: realities and perspectives", where she made a report on the theme: "Formation of historical consciousness in the teaching of the history of Kazakhstan" on the section " Contemporary history education".
- On the 30th of May, 2022, she took part in the work of the master class "Language animation" (Sprachanimation), where she was acquainted with the educational method "Language animation".
- June 2, 2022, took part in the international scientific-practical conference "Quality of life in industrial lands of the strategy "Society 5.0", where she presented a report on "Humanitarian education and the use of information and communication technologies in the study of the history of Kazakhstan in the context of globalization.
She took professional development courses on the following programs: "Management in Education", "Modern Methods and Technologies of History Teaching", "Central Asia: History, Culture, Modernity", "Methodological Problems and Methods of Source Studies", " Verbal History and Practice".