“Science and practice for the acceleration of development and global competitiveness of the country". Part 2
Baitursynov readings - 2017
The digest includes scientific articles on social, legal and political aspects of development of modern state, society, priority directions of humanitarian sciences, structural modernization, scientific and technological development of the economy of Kazakhstan in conditions of globalization, achievements and possibilities in development of veterinary and technology of cattle breeding, as well as on strategic directions of development of agricultural, natural, engineering and information sciences.
Materials of the digest may appeal to scientists, academicians, students, master students.
"Innova - 2017"
International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Innova - 2017"
The collection includes abstracts of reports of participants of the International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Innova - 2017". The theses highlight the current problems of Kazakhstan education. The subject covers research in the field of psychological and pedagogical, philological, informational, natural science disciplines.
The collection includes reports by teachers of Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov, Khakass State University named after F.N.Katanov and the National University of Uzbekistan.
“Science, production, business: contemporary state and ways of innovative development of the country”.Part 3
Baitursynov readings - 2016
The digest includes scientific articles on social, legal and political aspects of development of modern state, society, priority directions of humanitarian sciences, structural modernization, scientific and technological development of the economy of Kazakhstan in conditions of globalization, achievements and possibilities in development of veterinary and technology of cattle breeding, as well as on strategic directions of development of agricultural, natural, engineering and information sciences.
Materials of the digest may appeal to scientists, academicians, students, master students.
“Science, production, business: contemporary state and ways of innovative development of the country”.Part 2
Baitursynov readings - 2016
The digest includes scientific articles on social, legal and political aspects of development of modern state, society, priority directions of humanitarian sciences, structural modernization, scientific and technological development of the economy of Kazakhstan in conditions of globalization, achievements and possibilities in development of veterinary and technology of cattle breeding, as well as on strategic directions of development of agricultural, natural, engineering and information sciences. Materials of the digest may appeal to scientists, academicians, students, master students.
“Science, production, business: contemporary state and ways of innovative development of the country”.Part 1
Baitursynov readings – 2016
The digest includes scientific articles on social, legal and political aspects of development of modern state, society, priority directions of humanitarian sciences, structural modernization, scientific and technological development of the economy of Kazakhstan in conditions of globalization, achievements and possibilities in development of veterinary and technology of cattle breeding, as well as on strategic directions of development of agricultural, natural, engineering and information sciences.
Materials of the digest may appeal to scientists, academicians, students, master students.
"Nurlyzhol Development Program: education-science-production". Part 2
Baitursynov readings - 2015
This collection presents the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Baitursynov Readings - 2015" on the topic "Nurlyzhol Development Program: education-science-production", held on April 17, 2015 at the Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov. The collection presents scientific articles on socio-social, legal and political aspects of the development of the modern state and society, priority areas of the development of the humanities, structural modernization and scientific and technological development of the economy of Kazakhstan in the context of globalization, achievements and prospects for the development of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry technology, as well as on the strategic directions of the development of agricultural, natural, engineering and information sciences.
"Nurlyzhol Development Program: education-science production". Part 1
Baitursynov readings - 2015
This collection presents the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Baitursynov Readings - 2015" on the topic "Nurlyzhol Development Program: education-science-production", held on April 17, 2015 at the Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov. The collection presents scientific articles on socio-social, legal and political aspects of the development of the modern state and society, priority areas of the development of the humanities, structural modernization and scientific and technological development of the economy of Kazakhstan in the context of globalization, achievements and prospects for the development of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry technology, as well as on the strategic directions of the development of agricultural, natural, engineering and information sciences.
"The success of the formation and functioning of a network of specially protected natural areas and the study of biological diversity"
Materials of the international scientific and practical conference
The collection includes materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Successes in the formation and functioning of a network of specially protected natural territories and the study of biological diversity (for the anniversary of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor T.M. Bragina), held on February 26-27, 2014 in Kostanay (Kazakhstan) Special attention is paid to the problems of development of specially protected natural areas and issues of conservation and study of biodiversity. This collection is intended for teachers and students of universities, researchers and employees of environmental institutions.
"Biological diversity of Asian steppes"
Materials of the II International Conference
The collection includes materials of the International Conference "Biological Diversity of the Asian Steppes". The authors of the articles reflected the relevance of the formulation of theoretical problems of conservation of biological diversity and methods of its research, highlighted new approaches in assessing the modern biodiversity of the steppes and the need for its protection. Special attention is paid to the problems of the development of specially protected natural territories in the steppe zone for the sustainable conservation of the steppe biome. This collection is intended for specialists of natural sciences, teachers and students of universities, employees of environmental institutions. Kostanai, KSPI, June 5-6, 2012