object(DateTime)#1038 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-02-12 16:33:22.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

About studying abroad, exams, innovations, and New Year

A meeting with Baitursynuly University Rector Seitbek KUANYSHBAEV took place in a free microphone format, where he interacted with the students of the university.

"Ask any questions!" – the rector encouraged. And the students didn’t remain silent.

During the meeting, Seitbek Bekenovich shared a lot of important information and took note of problematic issues. He promised that each of them would be addressed.


They discussed the prospects of studying at foreign universities. They also spoke about the nuances of training activists – the rector instructed the teachers to always assist students when they have a release.

"Without activists, there will be no development of the university!" – emphasized the rector.

Regarding dual education, students were reminded that, first and foremost, the dual system applies to those who entered KRU after college and for a second higher education. For students coming after school, the dual system is possible no earlier than the fourth year.


The student football club asked for a place to practice. "We’ll help," the rector replied. And the same goes for the office of the Small Student Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. His response was met with applause:

"You’ll have an office. Come to me, we’ll discuss everything."

The rector also promised a positive solution for the training base of the Nomad dance club. There isn’t enough space for rehearsals, and almost two hundred people want to dance.

The rector also heard thanks from the debaters. The students noted that not all universities' leadership supports students in such a way.


Regarding innovations, students learned first-hand that starting next academic year, entrance through the turnstiles at KRU will be via the Face ID system instead of cards, for safety and convenience.


"I instructed to adjust the session calendar so that it ends before December 30," Seitbek Bekenovich explained. "So that everyone can celebrate the New Year at home. Do you agree?" This was met with laughter and applause.

P.S. To conclude, the rector reminded everyone that any student can ask him a question without waiting for such a meeting.

"The doors of my office are always open for you. You can also message me on WhatsApp, as you actively do. I’m always in touch!"


Admission committee