object(DateTime)#1033 (3) {
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Professional internship

Professional internship is a compulsory component of the higher education curriculum. Practice-oriented training of students is a mandatory part of the educational process and aims to prepare students for industrial activities.

During the educational process at the Akhmet Baitursynuly KRU, the student will receive the competencies of a competitive specialist with an emphasis on the development of soft skills, emotional intelligence and professional skills.

Download the Rules Download the rules of PR 124-2020 Organization, carrying out professional practice and the determination of organizations as practice bases

Professional practice is divided into educational, industrial, pedagogical, pedagogical and research.

Educational (introductory) practice is conducted for students of the 1st year of bachelor's degree and specialist's degree of all specialties.

The goal is to acquire primary professional competencies, including the consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge acquired during the training, the formation of the first skills of research activity, business correspondence skills, the acquisition of practical skills and work skills according to the specialty.  

Industrial practice is conducted for students of all bachelor's and specialist`s specialties and is organized from the 2nd year, as well as for subject-oriented master's degree and up to the graduation of students.

Industrial practice is assigned to the graduating department or to the department conducting theoretical training, the results of which are the objects of this type of industrial practice.

The goal is to consolidate professional competence, acquire practical skills and professional experience.

Pedagogical practice (bachelor's degree, master's degree in scientific and pedagogical direction, PhD) is organized after studying a cycle of special disciplines or a theoretical course of study in general

The goal is to consolidate and deepen knowledge in general scientific, cultural, psychological and pedagogical, methodological and special disciplines, as well as the formation of pedagogical skills, skills and competencies based on theoretical knowledge.

Pre-graduate practice (bachelor's and specialist`s degrees) is provided for the preparation and writing of a thesis (project), the content of which is determined by the topic of the final qualifying work (project).

The goal is to accomplish the writing of the thesis (project).

Research practice is provided for undergraduates and doctoral students in order to familiarize themselves with the latest theoretical, methodological and technological achievements of national and foreign science, modern methods of scientific research, processing and interpretation of experimental data, processing and interpretation of experimental data in dissertation research.

Admission committee