object(DateTime)#1008 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-01-26 04:37:15.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Accelerating ICT students' startup development competence via interdisciplinary modular courses in the HEI curricula (UXiship)

Name of the project: Accelerating ICT students‘ startup developement competence via interdisciplinary modular courses in the HEI curricula

Project number: 609870-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Project implementation period: 15/11/2019 - 14/11/2022

Project website:  https://uxiship.rsue.ru/

Project aims:

  • Improvement  of Kazakhstan  and  Russia engineering  curricula within  Partner Universities  by implementation  of  ICT-competence  based entrepreneurship module;
  • Launching  IT-entrepreneurial accelerating programme  for  soft skills  development  in engineering curricula by bringing  together Partner  Universities strength in collaborated teaching,  assessment and feedback;
  • Updating engineering  education to  the  EU  standards according  to  Bologna process  by implementing  joint university  courses recognized  by  Partner Universities consortium.

Project objectives:

  • Implementation  of  ICT-based entrepreneurship module for engineering majors  in  partner Universities  by  Sept 2021;
  • 100-200  students,  1-2 instructors  and  1 mentor  from  each side’s  industry  partner from  each  partner university  enrolled  in ICT-based entrepreneurial module implementation  in 2020;
  • Updating  educational process  to  the  EU standards;
  • Providing  labour market  with multidisciplinary educated  engineering majors  possessing  both ICT and entrepreneurial competence;
  • Secure  durability, transferability  of  the project  results  through efficient  and  targeted dissemination.


EU Project CoordinatorUniversity of Business, Applied Sciences, Technologies and Design, Wismar, Germany

Disclaimer: The project is co-financed by the European Commission. However the content of the website reflects the views only of the university, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Admission committee