object(DateTime)#1032 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-03-09 07:04:39.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

House of Creativity "Oner"

The KRU named after A.Baitursynuly, attaches great importance to the aesthetic and patriotic education of students and implements the ideas of Akhmet Baitursynov. In 2001, the Oner studio was opened at the university.

The head of the House of Culture of Students is the People's Akyn of Kazakhstan Asiya Ayipovna Berkenova.

In a short time, the studio has accumulated experience in aesthetic education of students, unique for universities in Kazakhstan Studentship is a unique time, a wonderful and memorable period in the life of every person, which is not limited only to attending lectures, seminars, laboratories and libraries!

The more diverse the student's life, the more complete the student's development. A student does not live by studying alone: his life is multifaceted and interesting, so sports, music, dancing and a lot of other interesting things are popular – this is not a complete list of students' hobbies.

The House of Culture of Students builds its work according to the aesthetic and cognitive program "Musical Culture of Kazakhstan", which includes the following areas: vocal art, instrumental performance, choreography, poetic creativity and artistic reading, theatrical art.

The House of Culture of Students is visited with pleasure not only by students of creative specialties, but also by students whose future educational programs do not come into contact with art. They are instilled not only a sense of beauty, but also develop their natural inclinations and abilities.

The main task of aesthetic education is to develop in a person the ability to perceive the beautiful, to make comparative assessments, to love the beautiful and, finally, to create it.

The University systematically allocates funds for the purchase of musical instruments and tailoring of costumes. Social assistance is provided to talented students: dorm rooms are allocated, bonuses are awarded on holidays. Travel expenses are allocated for participation in Republican contests. The teaching staff includes specialists in the field of culture with higher education.

Practice shows that the most attractive thing in creativity is the opportunity to perform on stage. Only everyone wants to do it successfully, get public recognition. For students interested in creative activity, all this is real. On the one hand, we need the help of masters, and they are in the House of Culture of Students, on the other – the desire and aspiration of students. And, of course, the ability to combine creativity with study, in other words, to correctly allocate your own time and effort. Nothing else is required. It's very simple. You to us – yourself with your aspiration, we to you – professional skills.

Vocal and choreography classes are conducted at the House of Culture of Students. There is an ensemble of dombrists. Talented guys are engaged in poetic creativity. The pride of the House of Culture of students is the dance group "Badrisafa", in the repertoire of which there are dances of different peoples of the world.

Vocal and choreography classes are conducted at the House of Culture of Students. There is an ensemble of dombrists. Talented guys are engaged in poetic creativity. The pride of the House of Culture of students is the dance group "Badrisafa", in the repertoire of which there are dances of different peoples of the world. Concerts dedicated to the memorable dates of the state are regularly held.

Thematic concerts have become traditional: "Evening of romances", "Evening of Piano music", "Youth scorched by war", "Dombra Sazy". Studio benefit concerts have become traditional. Thus, the aesthetic taste of students is formed unobtrusively, but purposefully, both students engaged in the House of Culture and students attending concerts of the House of Culture.

The impact of musical art is enormous. History knows many examples of how music united people, rallied them, inspired them to feats. Everyone knows the great importance of musical art in life. Love for music is not an innate feeling. You need to learn to listen to music.

Modern technological means of music reproduction bring down a waterfall of various musical genres and styles on a person.

The perception of music in live performance does not leave anyone indifferent, especially if their fellow students perform. The House of Culture of Students has become a center for the promotion of musical knowledge among students in KRU.

Admission committee