object(DateTime)#1034 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-02-28 03:25:46.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Scientific projects

Current projects of  grant financing of  the Ministry of  Internal Affairs of  the Republic of  Kazakhstan:

  1. Prevalence of determinants of resistance to antibacterial drugs. Head of Eleusizova A.T. 2021-2023 Competition "Young scientists"
  2. Development and implementation of a comprehensive assessment of Aberdeen-Angus cattle in the Republic of Kazakhstan" Head of Shevchenko P.V. 2022-2024 competition "Zhas galym".
  3. Monitoring the spread of sarcocystosis in pets in the context of food safety. Head of  Ryshchanova R.M. 2022-2024.

Current projects within the framework of scientific and technical programs of the Ministry of  Agriculture of  the Republic of  Kazakhstan and the Ministry of  Internal Affairs of  the Republic of  Kazakhstan:

  1. Analysis of the risks of antibiotic resistance of  pathogenic micro flora isolated from animals and from raw materials and products of animal origin. Within the framework of  the scientific and technical program "Development of methods of analytical control and monitoring of food safety" of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of  Kazakhstan with  KATU named after S.Seifulin. Head of Ryshchanova R.M. 2021-2023.
  2. Development of real-time multiplex PCR for detection of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae in dairy products and determination of antibiotic resistance loci. Within the framework of the scientific and technical program "Development of methods of analytical control and monitoring of food safety" of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of  Kazakhstan with KATU named after S.Seifulin. Head of  Chuzhebaeva G.D. 2021-2023.
  3. Study of diseases, imported cattle of meat productivity and their adaptive abilities with the development of veterinary and zoo technical measures and recommendations for their treatment and epizootic control. Within the framework of the scientific and technical program "Development of technologies for effective management of the breeding process of conservation and improvement of genetic resources in beef cattle breeding" of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan with Zhangir Khan Agricultural Technical University. Head Ryshchanova R.M. 2021-2023
  4. Biological safety of the Republic of Kazakhstan: threat assessment, scientific and technical bases of their prevention and elimination. Within the framework of the scientific and technical program of the RSE at the PCV "Scientific Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems" of the KN of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Head of  Ryshchanova R.M. 2021-2023.

Completed research projects of grant financing of the Ministry of  Education and Science of the Republic of  Kazakhstan and projects within the framework of  scientific and technical programs of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of  Kazakhstan:

  1. Development of a domestic enzyme immunoassay test system for the determination of estradiol 17-β in animal products. Head Ibrahimov P.Sh. 2012-2014
  2. Development of a new biological preparation for controlling the number of pests of closed ground. The head of Kokanov S.K. 2013-2015
  3. Development of domestic test systems based on Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in real time for the diagnosis of septoria of cereal crops. Head Beishova I.S. 2013-2015
  4. Study of the fundamentals of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of analgesic drugs of a new generation in the body of horses. Head Ryshchanova R.M. 2013-2015
  5. Development of a domestic real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test system for the identification of Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains. Head of  Chuzhebaeva G.D. 2015-2017
  6. Creation of a domestic test system based on real-time polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) for rapid diagnosis of animal clostridiosis and identification of Clostridium septicum strains in animal products and environmental objects. Head Tagaev O.O. 2015-2017
  7. Development of an ELISA test system for the determination of trenbolone in livestock products. Head of Ibragimov P.S. 2015-2017
  8. The study of real and potential sources of pain in various animal species and the development of a strategy for the use of analgesic drugs. Head of Ryshchanova R.M. 2015-2017
  9. Development of highly specific and sensitive rapid tests based on DNA markers for the diagnosis of economically significant fungi-pathogens of grain crops." Head of Beishova I.S. 2015-2017
  10. Systems for reducing pollution with mycotoxins and pesticides as part of an integrated method of protecting grain crops in the agricultural zone of Northern Kazakhstan" Head of Nugmanov A.B. 2015-2017
  11. Development of highly specific and sensitive rapid tests based on DNA markers for the diagnosis of fusarium of grain crops" Head of Kalimov N.E. 2015-2017
  12. Screening for the carriage of mutations that determine the development of hereditary diseases and the development of genetic markers to identify the meat productivity of breeding cattle of domestic breeding" Head of  Nametov A.M. 2015-2017.
  13. Study of a consortium of hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms of the northern region of  Kazakhstan with the determination of genetic characteristics and the creation of a biodestructor drug based on them. Head of  Yunusova G.B. 2015-2017
  14. Molecular genetic analysis of gene pools of populations of rare plant species of Northern Kazakhstan Head of Sultangazina G.Zh. 2018-2020
  15. Development and implementation of a comprehensive program to increase the productive longevity of high-yielding cows of domestic breeding. Head of Shaikamal G.I. 2018-2020
  16. Complex genetic labeling of meat productivity in cattle of Hereford and Angus breeds of Kazakhstan breeding by genes regulating growth rates" Head of  Nametov A.M. 2018-2020.
  17. Monitoring of antibiotic resistance of pathogens of enteropathogenic zoo anthropologic diseases of the Northern region of Kazakhstan". Head of Ryshchanova R.M. 2018-2020
  18. Antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from cow's milk. Head of Ryshchanova R.M. 2020-2021.
  19. Development of effective breeding methods in the field of breeding beef cattle breeding. Within the framework of the scientific and technical program "Improving the efficiency of breeding methods in cattle breeding" of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of  Kazakhstan of  the Zhangir Khan ZKTU. Head of  Ryshchanova R.M. 2018-2020.
Admission committee