In 2023, A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University the base university for the II stage of the Republican competition of research works of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the direction B013-Training of biology teachers (5B011300/6B01505).
The NIRS Competition Commission was approved by the order of the Chairman of the Board – Rector of the basic university dated April 03, 2023 No. 83 OD in the number of 7 people.
20 scientific papers of students from 11 universities were submitted to the 2023 NIRS competition.
Having considered the scientific works of students, the competition commission of the basic university decided to submit for awarding:
Diploma of the 1st degree
- 1.1 "Comparative analysis of specific biological properties of extracts of Lilium martagon, extracted in Turkey and Kazakhstan". Author: Kydyrbekova Aida Rymbekovna. University of Shakarima. Scientific supervisor: Rakhimzhanova Akgul Makhmetkhanovna.
Diploma of the 2nd degree
- 2.1 "Specific preparation of chemical elements in industrial and modern people". Author: Bazarbayeva Dilnaz Zhanatovna. A. Margulan Pavlodar Pedagogical University. Scientific supervisor: Gubaidullina Alexandra Shamilevna
- 2.2 "Study of antimicrobial activity of the Akmola region". Author: Tugmoeva Zalina Ruslanovna. Shokhan Ualikhanova Kokshetau university. Scientific Head: Gibadilova Aizhan Meiramovna.
Diploma of the 3rd degree
- 3.1 «Artemia sp. as a valuable biological resource in the Kostanay region and methods of research, development and development". Author: Meng Anastasia Olegovna. A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University. Scientific supervisor: Tatyana Mikhailovna Bragina.
- 3.2 "Ichthyofauna of the Uzunkolsky district and industrial rivers: material, analysis and methods of research". Author: Popov Alexander Vitalievich. A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University. Scientific supervisor: Tatyana Mikhailovna Bragina.
- 3.3 "Study of the functional state of students of different ages". Author: Abzhanov Madi Serikovich. Zhansugurov Zhetysu University. Scientific director: Bakyttasov Samat Kuanyshovich.
- 3.4 "Species composition and economic significance of plants of the genus Asteraceae Dumort found in the Akmola region". Author: Dyusembek Kizzhibek. Shokhan Ualikhanova Kokshetau university. Scientific supervisor: Khamitova Gulnar Zhumabekovna.
Protocol of the competition commission in the direction B013 "Training of biology teachers (5B011300/6B01505)