object(DateTime)#1034 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-03-23 21:40:35.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Republican competition of NIRS 2022

In 2022, A. Baitursynov  Kostanay Regional University is the base university for the II stage of the Republican competition of research works of students of  higher educational institutions of  the Republic of  Kazakhstan in social and humanitarian sciences. The competition commission of the NIRS was approved by the order of the acting Chairman of the Board – Rector of the basic university No. 131 OD dated April 8, 2022 in the number of 10 people.

56 scientific papers of students from 25 universities were submitted to the NIRS 2021 competition.

Having considered the scientific works of students, the competition commission of the basic university decided to submit for awarding:

Diplomas of the Ministry of 1st degree 1 job

  • Rehabilitation of convicted persons for extremist and terrorist crimes. Author: Baizhanova D.Zh., Krivich Yu.V., Kirichenko A.S. Kostanay Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Sh.Kabylbaeva. Scientific supervisor: A.S. Tuganov, police Major.

Diplomas of the Ministry of 2nd degree 2 works

  • Legal basis for Internet security: responsibility for insults and false information in social networks. Author: Plotnikova I.E. Toraigyrov University. Supervisor: Dubovitskaya O.B., M.yu.n., senior lecturer
  • Topical issues of the formation of normative legal acts in the field of civil law in the state language within the framework of Rukhani Zhangyru. Author: Sadepkhan A. E., A. Buketov Karaganda University.

Diplomas of the Ministry of 3rd degree 3 works

  • Criminological characteristics of crime of law enforcement officers Author: Nurpeis N.B., A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University.
  • Rights of foreign convicts in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Author: Baykadamova Z.M., Zhaksylykova Zh.A., Sailau A.Zh. Kostanay Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of  Kazakhstan named after  Sh.Kabylbaeva. Scientific supervisor: N.A. Tulkibayeva, PhD, associate Professor.
  • Copyright issues on the Internet. Author: Beisembek G. A. International Taraz Innovation Institute.
Admission committee