object(DateTime)#1039 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-02-22 10:39:29.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

KRU Student Participates in ”Kazakhstan Halkyna” Foundation Conference

An academic conference named "Bilimdi urpak – bilimdi el" took place in Astana, organized by the public foundation "Kazakhstan Halkyna." Participants included Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Altai Kulginov, Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek, and Minister of Education Gani Beisembayev, along with Parliament members, the Foundation's Board of Trustees, and university students who are grantees of the foundation. The event featured an educational program with exhibits showcasing support and special school classrooms and robotics installations.

Baitursynov KRU's 1st-year student in the Physical Culture and Sport program, Meiram Imanov, attended the conference as well. Meiram has been awarded the "Kazakhstan khalkyna" educational grant and is a master of sports in tennis and a candidate for master of sports in football.

Meiram expressed his gratitude to the foundation and President Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev for offering children from low-income backgrounds, orphans, and disabled kids who lack financial resources the chance to receive an education. He shared his dream of becoming a coach and working with children with special educational needs, which the foundation has helped make possible.

By the way, 52 students study at the A. Baitursynov KRU at the expense of the "Kazakhstan Khalkyna”Foundation, who, in addition to free tuition, receive a monthly scholarship in the amount of 40 thousand tenge.

At the conference, the public foundation presented pilot projects aimed at solving systemic problems in the country's education sector, in particular, the fund allocated 37.5 billion tenge for charitable projects in the field of education.

Admission committee