object(DateTime)#1026 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-06-30 19:07:16.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

What results do we expect? This will be a breakthrough!

They plan to open a research center on the basis of Baitursynuly University for joint work with scientists from the University of Arizona.

A delegation from an American university arrived in Kostanay to meet with scientists from KRU named after. A. Baitursynuly.

Drs Shane Campbell Burgess and Kevin M. Fitzsimmons are interested in research to improve crop yields and food production in Kazakhstan.

They spoke about their work and prospects for cooperation at a meeting with the akim of the Kostanay region Kumar Aksakalov. During the conversation, a preliminary agreement was reached on the opening of a research center on the basis of KRU, where Kostanay and American scientists will engage in analysis and scientific developments in the field of meat and dairy farming.⠀

Representatives of the delegation got acquainted with the material and technical base of the university. We visited the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, a laboratory for analyzing the quality of milk and meat, a laboratory for analyzing the quality of feed, and a research institute for applied biotechnology and Smart Center.

“Colleagues from the University of Arizona came to promote the development of science in the fields of agronomy, veterinary medicine, biology and others,” explained the rector of Baitursynuly University Seitbek Kuanyshbaev at a meeting with teachers. – We hope that the result of this meeting will be a successful scientific collaboration between the two universities.

The guests were presented with several already completed research projects and those still in development.

KRU teachers also identified problematic issues in which foreign colleagues could help them. In particular, they discussed the threat of extinction of the famous Kostanay horse breed, the need for in-depth studies of soil toxicology, monitoring of water resources and much more.

“We got acquainted with the material and technical base of the university and its scientific potential,” summarized Shane Campbell Burgess. – We also studied the projects. It is important that the topics we are working on coincide. As are our scientific interests.

What results do we expect from our cooperation? A scientific and technological breakthrough in the region in the field of agronomy, and therefore an increase in the standard of living of the population.

Admission committee