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A competition is announced for the scholarship from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the first half of the 2024 calendar year
27 November 2023
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Dear students, documents are being accepted for the competition for the scholarship from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the first half of 2024 until January 4, 2024.
The scholarship is awarded to full-time Bachelor students from the 3rd year of study and to Master students from the 2nd year of study, who have only “excellent” (A, A-) marks, both on the basis of the state education grant, and on the paid basis.
The scholarship is awarded to the following categories of students:
The winners of republican and international Olympiads, creative contests and competitions, sports competitions, festivals or to the students who are the authors of inventions;
To the students who have publications in collections of scientific papers, in republican and international scientific magazines;
To the students who are actively engaged in research work, the success of which is confirmed by diplomas and certificates;
To the students who are taking a part in the social, cultural, and sports life of their universities.
The applicant’s documented achievements in 2023 are taken into account as well.
The procedure for selecting applicants:
The applicant submits a package of documents according to the list to the Deputy Director / Dean for Educational Work. The Deputy Director for Educational Work checks the documents of applicants for compliance with the requirements and transmits them to the Secretary of the Commission on January 4, 2024;
The Commission analyzes the submitted documents for further consideration at the meeting of the University Academic Council.
Selection is carried out according to the requirements for applicants. Under equal conditions, the following applicants have an advantage:
Orphans and children left without parental care;
Disabled people since childhood.
The Academic Council decides to award the Presidential Scholarship individually for each applicant.
The appointment of the scholarship is carried out by the Order of the Rector of the university on the basis of a decision of the Academic Council.
The list of documents for participation in the competition (you must submit them in paper and electronic form):
The application from the student addressed to the Chairman of the Board – Rector of the KRU (Baitursynov University) for the participation in the competition for the award of the Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (template in Kazakh , template in Russian). The file name must contain the applicant’s last name (Фамилия_заявление.doc);
The copy of the student’s ID (Фамилия_удостоверение.doc);
The transcript for the entire period of study (including the results of all exams for the summer examination session 2023-2024). You order the transcript in your Platonus personal account after all of your summer exams are graded. (Фамилия_транскрипт.doc)
The photocopies of the documents confirming the applicant’s achievements in 2023 (diplomas, certificates, etc). Each document must be scanned into a separate file and contain the applicant’s last name and the name of the document. You must collect all files in a folder.
All files with the scan of the application, certificates, transcript, and the folder with the personal achievements must be collected in the folder. Folder name: Last Name First Name Patronymic of the applicant.
The folder sample with applicant’s documents:
The package of documents will be accepted by the Deputy Director of the Institute / Dean of the Faculty for Educational Work until January 4, 2024.
Contact numbers of Deputy Directors of the institutes: