object(DateTime)#1032 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-03-28 09:09:37.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

About the Department of Science and Commercialization

Basic requirements for the content of documents on higher and (or) postgraduate education of your own sample and rules for recording and issuing

  1. The basic requirements for the content of documents on education of their own sample and the rules for accounting and issuance have been developed for the purpose of uniform application of the procedure for organizing the issuance of documents of their own sample by organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education (hereinafter - OHPE).

Basic requirements for the content of educational documents of your own sample

  1. Forms and attachments to educational documents of your own sample contain:

1) name of the OHPE;
2) last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the graduate;
3) code and name of the educational program (specialty);
4) degree awarded (if any);
5) date and number of the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission on awarding the degree (if available). In the diplomas of a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), doctor of the profile, information about scientific consultants and official reviewers, the date, the number of the minutes of the dissertation council meeting (for OHPEs with a special status) or the date, the number of the Committee order (for OHPE’s that do not have a special status);
6) form of training;
7) signature of the head of the OHPE;
8) serial registration number;
9) date and place (city) of issue;
10) OHPE seal.

  1. The logo and (or) name of the accreditation agency that carried out the institutional accreditation is placed in educational documents of your own sample.

Logos (or) names of accreditation agencies for specialized accreditation of educational programs are placed in the appendix to educational documents of their own type.

  1. The certificate of pedagogical retraining contains:

1) name of the OHPE;
2) last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the listener;
3) number of credits;
4) signature of the head of the OHPE;
5) serial registration number;
6) date of issue;
7) OHPE seal.

  1. Documents on education of your own sample contain protective marks.
  2. Educational documents of your own design use automatic identification and data collection technology and (or) a QR code (at least 3x3 cm in size).
  3. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan establishes a series and numbering for each type of document on education of its own sample.

Documents on education of our own sample have the following series:

1) diploma of higher education awarding a bachelor's degree - BD;
2) diploma of higher education with qualification – BQ;
3) postgraduate diploma with a master’s degree – MD;
4) a diploma of postgraduate education awarding the degree of Master of Business Administration - MBA;
5) a postgraduate diploma with the award of the degree of Doctor of Business Administration - DBA;
6) certificate for a master’s degree – CMD;
7) certificate of pedagogical retraining - CPR;
8) a diploma of postgraduate education with the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - PhD;
9) a diploma of postgraduate education with the award of a doctorate in the field - PD.

The numbering for each type of document on education of your own sample is generated using a special service.

The generation of educational document numbers of our own sample is carried out on the basis of information about students entered into the information system of the authorized body in the field of science and higher education.

To carry out the work of generating the numbers of documents on education of your own sample and QR codes, access to a special service is provided by creating an account for the responsible persons in each OHPE.

At the same time, the persons responsible for generating the numbers of documents on education of their own sample and QR codes are appointed by order of the head of the OHPE.

Control over the generation of educational document numbers and QR codes is the responsibility of the head of the educational institution.

  1. Filling out documents of your own sample is done using printing devices.
  2. Forms and attachments to educational documents of your own type are filled out in the state, English and (or) other (Russian, etc.) languages.
  3. Forms are filled out as follows:

1) in the line “last name, first name and patronymic (if any)” for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have completed training, they are written in full in accordance with the entry in the identity document (or its replacement document);
2) in the line “last name, first name and patronymic (if any)” of the foreign citizen are written according to the data of the foreign passport;
3) in the line “full name of the educational organization” the official name of the educational institution is indicated;
4) in the line “degree/qualification awarded” - the name of the degree/qualification awarded;
5) in the line “code and name of the specialty and (or) educational program” the code and name of the specialty and (or) educational program are indicated;
6) in the line “form of education” the form of training is indicated.
When students master 50% of the total number of disciplines of educational programs for the entire period of study with transfer to distance learning, the corresponding mark “with transfer to distance learning” is indicated in the line “form of education”;
7) the form indicates the series and number of the diploma being issued, the city where the educational organization is located, the date of issue of the form: date (in numbers), month (in words) and year (in four digits), registration number of the form according to the register of issued forms.
8) the date and protocol number of the certification commission are indicated;
9) in the form of a diploma of postgraduate education awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), doctor in the field, the date, number of the minutes of the meeting of the dissertation council (when issuing an OHPE diploma with a special status) or the date, number of the order of the Committee (when issuing a OHPE diploma, not having a special status).

  1. The signatures of the head of the OHPE on the forms are affixed with a ballpoint pen with black ink. The OHPE seal is placed in the space provided for printing.
  2. After filling out the document form, it must be carefully checked for the accuracy and error-freeness of the entries made in it. A document drawn up with errors is considered damaged and must be replaced.
  3. Attachments to educational documents of your own sample are filled out as follows:

1) last name, first name, patronymic (if any) are indicated in full;
2) name of disciplines, number of academic credits - ECTS. Grade (in letter equivalent, in points and traditional (in words));
3) in the line “Final certification”, the name, number of academic credits - ECTS and grade (in letter equivalent, in points and traditional (in words)) are indicated. If a comprehensive exam is passed, then the names of the disciplines included in the comprehensive exam are indicated and one grade is assigned;
4) in the line “Previous document on education” the name of the document on education on the basis of which the person was enrolled in the higher education institution, the number of the document and the year of its issue are indicated. If the previous document on education was received abroad, its name is indicated in translation into state, English and (or) other (Russian, etc.) languages ​​and the name of the country in which this document was issued;
5) in the line “Entered in” and “Completed training in” the year of admission and the year of completion of training are indicated in four-digit numbers, respectively, as well as the full name of the higher education institution in which this person entered, and the name of the educational institution in which this person graduated. Other higher education institutions in which the student could also study are not indicated;
6) in the line “Total number of completed academic credits – ECTS” the number of credits is indicated in numbers;
7) in the line “Weighted grade average (GPA) of study” the average score for the entire period of study is indicated in numbers;
8) in the line “Professional practice” the name, number of academic credits - ECTS and grade (in letter equivalent, in points and traditional (in words)) are indicated;
9) in the line “Number of credits of theoretical training” and “number of ECTS credits of theoretical training” - the number of credits of theoretical training is indicated in numbers;
10) in the line “Decision of the certification commission” the protocol number and date are indicated in numbers;
11) in the line “Awarded (assigned)” the degree/qualification is indicated;
12) in the line “By specialty and (or) educational program” the code and name of the specialty and (or) educational program are indicated;
13) in the line “Level of compliance with the national qualification framework” the level is indicated in numbers: for bachelor’s degree – 6, for master’s degree – 7, for doctoral studies – 8.

  1. Disciplines studied by the graduate in addition to the disciplines defined by the OHPE curriculum for a given area of ​​training or specialty are included with the consent of the graduate upon his application.
  2. Attachments to educational documents of their own type are signed by the head of the OHPE. The OHPE seal is placed in the space provided for printing.
  3. A diploma of completion of higher and postgraduate education without an appendix to the diploma is invalid.

Source: Order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 10, 2023 No. 47 On approval of types of documents on higher and (or) postgraduate education, forms of documents on higher and (or) postgraduate education of the state standard and rules for their recording and issuance, basic requirements for the content of documents on higher and (or) postgraduate education of our own sample and the rules for their recording and issuance (with amendments and additions dated April 15, 2024)

Admission committee