object(DateTime)#1009 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-09-27 02:31:04.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

В065 Motor vehicles

UNT passing score
Profile subjects of the UNT

Educational programs

6B07101 Transport, Transport Engineering and Technologies

Objects of professional activity: 

  • Enterprises and organizations operating transport equipment;
  • machine-building plants producing transport equipment and equipment;
  • design, design and technological organizations;
  • machine repair enterprises;
  • branded and dealer centers of machine-building and repair plants;
  • marketing and forwarding services;
  • transport management services.

Where and by whom can I work?

  • Head of a car service station,
  • operator of automated transport systems,
  • technician of alternative and eco-transport,
  • auto expert,
  • mechanical engineer 2.0,
  • engineer for the organization of production management,
  • production preparation engineer,
  • process engineer,
  • engineer for technical operation of transport equipment,
  • college teacher,
  • researcher,
  • designer,
  • technologist,
  • digital logistician.                   

Page of the Department of Agrarian Engineering and Transportation

Admission committee