object(DateTime)#1032 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-03-09 07:02:51.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Scientific internships for 500 scientists

In accordance with the Message of the Head of State Tokayev K.K. to the people of Kazakhstan dated September 1st, 2020 "Kazakhstan in the new reality: time to act" in order to transfer advanced scientific technologies every year 500 scientists are provided with internships in leading centers of the world.


Dambaulova Gulmira Karimzhanovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences

Internship direction: Education Management

During the internship held a number of meetings with leading professors of universities in Moscow on the subject of cooperation in the preparation of undergraduates, PhDs, students of MBA, EMBA programs.

Nauryzbaeva Elmira Kenzhegalievna, Candidate of Historical Sciences

Internship direction: Pedagogical sciences

Results of studying and mastering of courses "Foresight-research in education" and "Foresight-session methodology" are prepared for publication in the journal recommended by the Committee on quality assurance in the sphere of science and higher education of the Ministry of science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - CQSHE) on "Foresight as means of development of meta-competences in humanitarian profile".

Tashetov Amanzhol Askarovich, PhD

Internship direction: Educational sciences

During the internship attended consultations Evgrafova Olga Gennadyevna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Philology. Theoretical and pedagogical bases of research work, in higher education institutions on the preparation of future specialists in the process of pedagogical innovation in higher education in a globalized environment were investigated on the subject.

Nurusheva Gulmira Keldybaevna, Master of History

Internship direction: Educational sciences

She took professional development courses on the following programs: "Management in Education", "Modern Methods and Technologies of History Teaching", "Central Asia: History, Culture, Modernity", "Methodological Problems and Methods of Source Studies", " Verbal History and Practice".

Admission committee