object(DateTime)#1014 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-03-12 21:03:31.000000"
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Enhancement of Competencies and Skills of Universities in Central Asia in Agricultural Policy with special focus on Environmental Protection and Land Management (ECAP)






Project aim:

Assistance in improving the theoretical approach to land management and environmental protection through the development of innovative training programs in the field of "Environmental protection and land management", taking into account the principles of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (САР). In accordance with this strategy the main objective of the project is to increase competences and skills of the universities in Central Asia (Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan), by providing innovative programs in the field of "Environment and land management."

Project objectives:


Develop innovative curricula with an accompanying curriculum in order to improve the quality of education in the countries of Central Asia in the field of environmental protection and land management in the context of the new Common Agricultural Policy of the EU (CAP);

Increase students’ awareness of from Central Asia on the legal basis of agriculture, taking into account care for the environment;

Establish partnerships between EU and Central Asian universities, which will provide mutually beneficial support to education in the thematic area.


Results of the project:


-Target group needs analysis was conducted on environmental protection and land management in the field of higher education.


-The Methodological manual on curriculum development was prepared.


-The e-learning platform of the project http://ecap.uniag.sk/eplatform/login/ has been developed and the pilot testing was carried out.


- 2 distant courses have been developed:


1. Environmental monitoring


Ensuring environmental safety as a component of sustainable development of the state and preventing harmful anthropogenic impact on the environment and human beings are the main directions of environmental protection. One of the most important tools for environmental protection is environmental monitoring. It is designed to provide timely and reliable information about the state of the environment, which is the basis for the development and adoption of optimal management decisions in the field of environmental protection, as well as for assessing the effectiveness of environmental protection measures and the prevention of environmental emergencies.


2. Land Use Planning


The issue of rational land use in the context of various forms of ownership and management on the ground includes a broad group of activities to further strengthen land use, protect the environment, and increase soil fertility through the large-scale deployment of science and best practice. First of all, it is very important to organize rational and effective use of land resources at all levels of the national economy. And also the management of land resources taking into account the natural and economic specifics, the prospects for the development of agriculture and other branches of the economy. This is the subject of land use planning.


- The changes were made in the content of 8 syllabuses for undergraduate programmes 5B060800-Ecology major and 2 syllabuses for master's programmes 6M091100 - Geoecology and environmental management major.


 - 28 lecturers from the university attended the trainings at partner universities:


- Czech University of Life Sciences - 19-23.09.2016;


- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) - 18-24.02.2017;


- Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra - 9-15.09.2017.



EU project coordinators:

Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra



University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna

Czech University of Life Sciences

Kazakh National Agricultural University

Samarkand State University

Karakalpak State University


Project web page:




Project materials:


- Methodological guide for education plans development;

Newsletter 01/2018;

Project poster.


The project is awarded with certificate of achievement "for significant contribution to capacity building of the project team members" at NEO 2018 exhibition

Disclaimer: The project is co-financed by the European Commission. However the content of the website reflects the views only of the university, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Admission committee