Preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of doctoral student Nurusheva G.K.
Preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of doctoral student Zhabykpayeva A.G.
Preliminary defense of doctoral dissertation by doctoral student A.T. Bekbolatova
Preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of the doctoral student Simanchuk Ye.A.
Discussion of the dissertation of V.N. Uteulin for the degree of Doctor of PhD in the specialty 8D04101 "Economics"
Preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of the doctoral student Musayeva G.K. on the topic: "Improving the productive longevity of Holstein cows bred in the zone of Northern Kazakhstan"
Preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of PhD doctoral student Brimzhanova Saule Serikovna
Preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of PhD student Kuvaev A.N.
Preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of Batyrbekova Diana Serikovna, specialty 6D030100 – Jurisprudence