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History in the faces of the first leaders

Doschanova Alma Irgibaevna
Doschanova Alma Irgibaevna
The first rector of Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynov

In 2019, a new phase began in the life of Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, marked by a series of significant transformations and pivotal decisions. On March 19, President of the country Nursultan Nazarbayev announced his resignation, and in June, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was elected as the new Head of State. That same year, the Law "On the Status of Pedagogues" was adopted, along with the State Program for the Development of Education and Science for 2020-2025. Additionally, a decree was issued on the reorganization through the merger of the Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov and the Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after U. Sultangazin.

At this stage of the country's development, the goal was set to create a foundational university in each region.

The Vice Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, B. A. Asylova, while introducing the new rector A. I. Doshchanova to the staff, noted that during such a crucial period, the leadership of the university was entrusted to a graduate known not only in the region but also nationwide as a very competent and experienced leader with an active civic stance.

By that time, thanks to her pronounced leadership qualities, determination, energy, natural charm, and innovative constructive approach, A. I. Doshchanova, the director of the Kostanay Higher Polytechnic College, had led the institution to the top of the regional rankings, and subsequently, to the top of the national rankings.

In the history of the Higher Polytechnic College, the region, and the entire country, she left a significant mark as the first director who created such an incredible precedent, set a high standard, and opened new horizons for development.

It is natural that the achievements and successes of A. I. Doshchanova were recognized with letters of appreciation from the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the first chairman of the NDP "Nur Otan" B. Baibek, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Kazakhstan Francis Etienne, the regional and city akims, badges of honor "For Merit in the Development of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Honored Worker of Education", "For Active Service", and the commemorative jubilee medal "20 Years of Kazakhstan’s Maslikhats".

Amidst the active transition to the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution with a focus on preparing for the professions of the future and a radical rethinking of pedagogy for the digital era, a management decision was made, in agreement with the staff, on institutional transformation to meet modern challenges.

As part of the redesign, academic institutes were established: the Institute of Economics and Law, the Agro-Technical Institute, the Institute of Distance Learning and Professional Development, and research institutes: the Research Institute of Applied Biotechnology and the Institute of Fundamental Research.

The Digital Hub was transformed into a regional "Smart Center," where students, undergraduates, doctoral students, and faculty can conduct their research in the field of digitalization.

In rapidly changing conditions, Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov is always on trend and, in many key areas, a step ahead.

The university’s rector, along with the team, adheres to the principle of continuous development and the search for new solutions. This approach has led to the launch of major projects and significant achievements.

These include the establishment of the title "Honorary Professor of Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov", the opening of the first dissertation council on veterinary sciences, the first victory in the grant funding competition for young scientists for 2020-2022, the creation of the Public Council of Concord and Trust at the university, the experience of introducing digital officers, the initiation of the automated system "Talapker 2020", the conduct of COVID-19 diagnostics at the Research Institute of Applied Biotechnology, the inclusion of the Smart Center in the development program of the regional fund "International Technopark of IT Startups 'Astana Hub'", leadership in the number of successfully implemented international projects "Erasmus+", and the construction of an engineering center as part of an international consortium with public joint-stock company "Kamaz".

Today, Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov actively cooperates with leading universities in Asia, Europe, and America and serves as a platform for scientific forums, international and national conferences on a wide range of issues related to fundamental and applied research.

Valiev Khusain Khasenovich
Valiev Khusain Khasenovich
2001-2008 and 2015-2019
The first rector of the reorganized Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov

On February 3, 2004, a resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted that from the Aktobe State University named after K. Zhubanov, KSU named after A. Baitursynov, Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov, Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim, Taraz State University named after .M.Kh.Dulati brought out pedagogical specialties, on the basis of which state pedagogical institutes were formed.
The reorganized Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov was headed by Valiev Kh.Kh. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of a number of public scientific organizations, who headed this university back in 2001. It is worth noting that he, like Aldamzhar Z.A. twice became the first head of the university. The second period fell on 2015-2019.

Valiev Kh.Kh devoted his entire conscious life to the system of higher education and science. From 1992 to 2001, he went from a graduate student, senior researcher, head of the department to vice-rector of the Kazakh National Technical University named after K. Satpayev and North Kazakhstan State University.

Key priorities and long-term tasks for the country's universities were outlined in the State Education Development Program for 2005-2010.

Under his leadership, the management system was revised, as a result of which the faculties were transformed into institutes. Emphasis was placed on improving financial stability, strengthening the material and technical base, improving the quality of knowledge and research work, introducing new teaching technologies in accordance with international standards, improving the student recruitment system, and employing graduates.

The name of H.Valiev is associated with such events as the development of the regional youth program "Zhas Orken", the annual holding of the international scientific and practical conference "Baitursynov Readings", the beginning of the preparation of PhD doctors in the specialties: "Philology", "History", "Jurisprudence", " Journalism”, expansion of international relations in connection with preparations for joining the Bologna process.

During the second period of the rectorship of Valiev Kh.Kh, the Agrotechnological hub was created, later the Parasat Digital Hub.

Valiev Kh.Kh. headed the university and was a deputy of the Kostanay regional maslikhat, and subsequently left the post of rector in connection with the election of a deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Nametov Askar Myrzakhmetovich
Nametov Askar Myrzakhmetovich
Rector of Kostanay University named after A. Baitursynov

Under the leadership of A. M. Nametov, the principles of corporate management were introduced at Kostanay University by expanding the functions of collegiate management bodies and increasing their openness and transparency, involving students and employers in management, paid close attention to the development of internal and external academic mobility of students within the framework of the MARCO project and CASIA, EU Erasmus Mundus program. The concept of quality assurance of education for the university has been developed.

He has certificates of advanced training and exchange of experience on issues of management in education, organization of the educational process on credit technology of education, organization of scientific work in universities, scientific and industrial centers in the USA, Holland, Great Britain, Austria, Germany, Finland, Italy, Spain, Poland, etc. .

Author of more than 120 scientific articles, guidelines approved by the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, patent holder of 10 inventions[1]. He is one of the authors of the first "Veterinary Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (in 3 volumes), the developer of 12 state standards for veterinary and animal husbandry specialties for higher professional and special education, 10 state standards for master's and doctoral studies, 20 standard curricula for higher disciplines and postgraduate education, 3 textbooks on veterinary surgery.

Aldamzhar Zulkarnay Aldamzharovich
Aldamzhar Zulkarnay Aldamzharovich
1989-1994 and 1996-2001
The first Rector of Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov

Zulkarnay Aldamzhar is a Doctor of Historical Sciences, a professor, an honorary citizen of Kostanay, an honorary citizen of the state of Texas (USA), and the Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Universities of the Northern Region of Kazakhstan. He led the university during several significant events, contributing to many pivotal decisions (1989-1994 and 1996-2001). As a prominent and multifaceted individual, an outstanding administrator, a charismatic leader, and a true patriot, he was a trailblazer who left a remarkable legacy in the history of the university, the region, and the higher education system of independent Kazakhstan.

At the dawn of a new era, the transition to a market economy and the creation of a unique model of the political system and social sphere necessitated the demand for highly qualified personnel, which required a qualitative change in the higher education system, focusing on expanding and strengthening the status of universities.

Throughout the 1990s, many social aspects of life in Kostanay were on the brink of decline. Essential areas such as education, healthcare, and culture faced significant challenges, especially in terms of qualified personnel.

The issue of establishing a university in the northern region was repeatedly considered by the Ministry of Education and Science. The historical role in resolving this belonged to Kenzhebek Ukinovich Ukin, the head of the Kostanay regional administration, who petitioned the President on behalf of the public and the regional executive authorities, which was approved.

The significant contribution of Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Sh. Shayakhmetov, who took the personal initiative to establish a state university in Kostanay, was also noteworthy.

On August 6, 1992, one of the most momentous decisions was made - by decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kostanay State University was established on the basis of the pedagogical institute.

During this challenging period, the university was managed by a talented leader with a global strategic vision and exceptional organizational skills.

At the inaugural meeting of the faculty, the first rector stated that the change in the institution's status was a tremendous gift, primarily for the residents of Kostanay region and its younger generation. Now, to become lawyers, journalists, economists, philologists, and more, our children no longer need to leave their parents and go to Almaty, Karaganda, Tselinograd, or other cities. They can receive their education right here in Kostanay, and it will be no less qualified.

To develop new curricula and programs, plans and programs from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazakh, Omsk, Karaganda, Ural, and many other universities were studied, as well as higher education experiences from the UK, Germany, Portugal, and Poland.

Zulkarnay Aldamzhar launched extensive constructive activities, forming new faculties: Mathematics, Physical-Technical, Kazakh Philology, Psychology, and Law. In total, the number of faculties increased to 11, comprising 50 departments.

He invested knowledge, experience, energy, and a piece of his soul to pilot a two-tiered system of training on the history faculty based on the bachelor’s-master’s system in 1993.

His unique personal and professional qualities, vast authority in the academic and professional community, and his broad erudition and intelligence as a historian, prominent statesman, and public figure played a crucial role.

He paid particular attention to fostering patriotism among the youth and a reverent attitude toward national culture. During his leadership, for the first time, students were regularly admitted for education in the Kazakh language.

The university developed a distinctive corporate atmosphere, creating unique opportunities for student potential to flourish, expanding cooperation horizons, and steadily increasing the university’s authority in the region, country, and on the international stage.

During Aldamzhar’s tenure as rector, another significant event occurred - the branding of the university by referencing historical heritage and immortalizing the names of prominent figures.

On April 3, 1996, the Government of Kazakhstan issued Decree No. 384, naming Kostanay State University after Akhmet Baitursynov. On September 25, 1998, as part of the events dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the great Kazakh figure, the Akhmet Baitursynov Museum was opened. On September 15, 2000, a monument to A. Baitursynov was unveiled in the square in front of the university.

On November 17, 1998, the university community welcomed the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, with whom the first international inter-video conference with the University of Oklahoma (USA) took place. The speakers and audience of this unique interactive forum included over 2,000 students from five universities in Kostanay region, and about 40 professors and students from the University of Oklahoma. The Head of State highly praised the university’s activities, calling it one of the best universities in the country.

Chuzhinov Petr Iosifovich
Chuzhinov Petr Iosifovich
First Rector of Kostanay Agricultural Institute

In August 1978 Chuzhinov P.I. was appointed rector of the newly organized Kostanay Agricultural Institute.

He entered the history of the agrarian region as the first head of a strategically important university for training agricultural personnel during the periods of the 9-11th five-year plans of the planned economy, and then perestroika and glasnost, the collapse of a single state and gaining independence by the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In the 1970s, socio-economic development was characterized by the fact that the leaders were the teams of the chemical fiber plant, the Bolshevichka factory, the North Kazakhstan Territorial Geological Administration, industrial auto trusts and enterprises. Within the framework of socialist competition, the production of more than five hundred new types of products was mastered. The share of light industry products was 55%.

Transport, communication and consumer services developed at an accelerated pace. Thousands of envoys from Kustanay worked shoulder to shoulder with rural machine operators in the fields, currents and grain-receiving points.

Increased attention was paid to improving the forms of participation of the young, scientific, engineering and technical intelligentsia in accelerating scientific and technological progress, improving professional training.

On the initiative of the Kustanai Regional Committee of the Party, since 1966, a branch of the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute has been operating in Kustanai. Its first and last director was Anatoly Aleksandrovich Obraz, a graduate of the Kazan Agricultural Institute named after M. Gorky. Under his leadership, an educational and material base was created for an independent institute, which opened in 1978.

Chuzhinov P.I., who headed the Institute from childhood he was a purposeful, ideological person, with an active life position and the makings of a leader.

The basis for the formation and professional development was the entry and activity in the Komsomol organization of the party, participation in the Great Patriotic War, study at the Azov-Black Sea Institute of Mechanization and Electrification, at the higher party school under the Central Committee of the CPSU (Moscow).

We note in particular that he fought on the Leningrad, 1st Belorussian fronts, commanded a platoon as part of artillery troops, was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, medals: "For Courage", "For the Defense of Leningrad", "For Victory over Germany".

By the time of his appointment as rector Chuzhinov P.I. established himself as a qualified, experienced, effective manager. In 1964, after graduating from the highest party school, he was sent to the main granary of the country as the chairman of the Kustanai regional association "Tselinselkhoztechnika", in 1970 he was elected to the post of director of the Tselinny Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. His name is associated with the creation of a material and technical base and the formation of a highly qualified scientific and pedagogical team, which was rightly reflected in the Book of Labor Glory of the Institute.

Chuzhinov P.I. thanks to outstanding human, professional and business qualities, he brought KSHI to an unprecedented high level of development.

In the "Era of Chuzhinov - the era of creation, rapid development and prosperity", one of the best material and technical bases among the research institutes of the Soviet Union was formed: buildings for engineering, technical, agricultural specialties, a machine yard were erected, a unique set of equipment and instruments for collecting, storing and processing information, since 1980, work began on completing the computer equipment fleet with modern computers.

A pronounced social policy and concern for the staff consisted in the fact that 2 nine-story dormitories for 1400 people, 2 residential buildings for 190 apartments for teachers were built.

The only forge of highly qualified specialists for the agro-industrial complex of the region provided training at the newly created 5 faculties, in which 11 doctors of science, 34 candidates of science and associate professors taught at 32 departments. The student contingent exceeded 4 thousand people, and in 1980 the first graduation took place in the specialty "Economics and organization of agricultural production" in the amount of 52 people.

It is natural that the Institute under the leadership of Chuzhinov P.I. held a leading position in the field of development and research in the field of agriculture, not only in our region, but also in neighboring areas.

The hallmark will be an advanced system of organization, operational management and planning, cooperation with leading universities and scientific institutions of near and far abroad.

The first rector, despite the heavy workload, skillfully combined administrative work with scientific and pedagogical work, supervising candidate dissertations, as well as preparing and publishing textbooks, manuals, monographs, and scientific articles.

Being a Teacher and a Scientist by vocation, he devoted his entire adult life to serving education and science, and after leaving the post of rector, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation in economic sciences in 1999.

In the history of the university, region and country, the first rector of KSHI Chuzhinov P.I. left a bright mark as a large-scale, multifaceted, charismatic Personality, a talented leader, organizer, prominent scientist and founder of a scientific school, who brought up a whole galaxy of successful leaders, scientific and pedagogical workers, specialists for various fields of the economy.


Gazizov Kavyj Gazizovich
Gazizov Kavyj Gazizovich
The first rector of the Kostanay Pedagogical Institute

In 1961, the position of rector was introduced for the first time. The first rector was Gazizov Kaviy Gazizovich, who had headed the institution since 1959. At that time, he was appointed as director.

By the 1960s, Kostanay had solidified its reputation as the capital of the country's largest virgin lands region. The enormous resources invested in the virgin lands project produced a multiplier effect, resulting in unprecedented growth of state farms and their production capacities, while also transforming the regional center, which had previously been described as a "large untidy village."

As noted by local historians, this was a period of significant economic growth for the country (the Seven-Year Plan: 1959-1965), marked by Khrushchev's "thaw" and a general sense of euphoria.

The Seven-Year Plan initiated the construction of a suit fabric factory, a meat processing plant, an auto repair plant, the expansion of the production capacities of existing enterprises, and an increase in the pace of social infrastructure development.

The country rightfully took pride in many achievements, particularly the unprecedented space flights, the peaceful use of atomic energy, and its giant factories and hydroelectric power stations.

In these historical conditions, Gazizov K.G., an ordinary lecturer at Kirov University, revealed his potential in the newly established role of rector of Kostanay Pedagogical Institute after arriving in our region.

A talented scholar, educator, and leader, he successfully defended a dissertation in historical sciences. Fluent in German, he frequently traveled to the GDR to work in the archives of K. Liebknecht and R. Luxemburg as part of his doctoral dissertation research.

His lectures and seminars on modern history of Europe and America were distinguished by their richness in factual material, innovation, and high scientific standards, instilling in students the skills of global thinking, articulate presentation of material, and reasoned debate.

A person of high culture, an intellectual, an erudite, a teacher, and a leader by vocation, he left a bright mark on the history of the university and in the memory of people. He combined intelligence, kindness, integrity, strictness, and principled behavior. However, one of his key traits was his charm, charisma, ability to attract and engage people, and the absence of bureaucratic arrogance. According to the recollections of students, graduates, and faculty members, he was described as a "great specialist," "idolized as a lecturer," and "a role model."

During his tenure as head of the Pedagogical Institute, the "long-term construction" of a new building and more was completed.

Major construction organizations, along with student construction brigades, erected an academic building, a sports hall, dormitories, a sports and wellness camp, greenhouses covering 300 square meters, and a film studio.

Over 4,000 students were studying in six faculties: History and Philology, Physics and Mathematics, Primary Education Methodology, Biology and Basics of Agriculture, Foreign Languages, across nine specialties: Russian Language, Literature and History; Physics and Mathematics; Physics and Technical Drawing; Primary School Teacher; Biology; Russian Language and Literature (evening classes); History (evening classes); Mathematics (evening classes); Primary School Teacher (evening classes). Additionally, there was a workers' faculty (rabfak –“workers' faculty”) to prepare applicants for admission (later preparatory courses).

To ensure the university's appearance matched its stature, a comprehensive program for decorating classrooms, corridors, lobbies, halls, and stairways was developed, based on a unified concept reflecting various aspects of the social, political, educational, and methodological activities of the faculties and departments.

As a result of the competent management of the first rector, Gazizov K.G., from 1959 to 1971, the pedagogical institute rightfully became an important center of culture and science, as well as a scientific and methodological center for the entire region, producing highly qualified professionals.

Terentyev Stepan Pavlovich
Terentyev Stepan Pavlovich
The first director of the Pedagogical Institute

On July 26, 1955, an order was issued by the Ministry of Education of the Kazakh SSR on the reorganization of the Kustanai Teachers' Institute into a Pedagogical Institute.

From September 1, Terentiev Stepan Pavlovich, who since 1950 led this university in the previous organizational and legal form, becomes the first director of the pedagogical institute "the main granary of the republic".

Local historians note that the topic of virgin lands for our city and region is perhaps the key one in the history of the second half of the 20th century. It was during this period that the main guidelines for the future economic and socio-cultural development of the entire region were determined.

In the period from 1954 to 1956, more than 150 thousand new settlers of about 40 nationalities came to the Kostanay region. The country and the region gradually got out of the "demographic hole" associated with the consequences of the war years. Historians figuratively noticed that the former deaf steppe resounded with the roar of construction, the noise of tractors, the whistles of steam locomotives.

The first director of the Kostanay Pedagogical Institute, thanks to his vast experience in the field of education, initiative, innovative approach, did a lot to transition the university to new curricula, solve a set of problems associated with a lack of classroom fund, apartments for teachers and staff, lack of a student hostel.

His biography testifies to the presence of purposefulness, strong-willed character and selflessness in serving his beloved cause.

He comes from a peasant family, having a 2-class school behind him, enters the Orenburg Teachers' Seminary, after graduating from the Alma-Ata Pedagogical Institute, works as a physics teacher, school director, inspector of the GorONO, director of the teacher's institute in Petropavlovsk.

Terentiev S.P. successfully coped with the task of switching to new curricula, creating deans of the historical-philological and physics-mathematical faculties, building up human resources and improving the qualifications and degrees of teaching staff, implementing the first enrollment (301 students, including 258 girls).

During his leadership, certain results were analyzed in connection with the 15th anniversary of the Institute: 1800 teachers of Russian language and literature, history, physics and mathematics, natural science and geography were graduated for Kostanay, Akmola, Aktobe, East Kazakhstan regions.

The demand for the university was obvious, but with particular acuteness a key problem arose - the non-compliance with the requirements of the building of the Institute.

In December 1951, work began on the construction of a new building of the Institute on Tarana Street, but the process turned into a long-term construction, which was completed only in 1959.

In 1957, during the inspection of the Ministry of Education of the Kazakh SSR, the question of closing the institute was even raised.

The first director managed to defend the institute, although the construction of the building during his leadership, due to circumstances beyond his control, was still not completed.

S.P. Terentyev completed his pedagogical and labor activity as a senior lecturer in the Department of Physics of the Kustanai Pedagogical Institute, having retired in 1962.

As professional historians note, local historians at that time "the pedagogical institute became the main educational center of the city and the entire region."

Naydenov Ivan Panteleimonovich
Naydenov Ivan Panteleimonovich
1939-1941 and 1947-1959
The first director of the Teachers' Institute

On July 29, 1936, Kostanay Region was established. In 1937, the Constitution of the Kazakh SSR was adopted, and ambitious plans for the Second Five-Year Plan were proposed. Kostanay began its grand development, growing rapidly as its status as a regional center required. Emphasis was placed on educating the populace and organizing cultural activities.

There was a rapid development of public education and an increasing demand for teaching staff. By 1939, there were 708 vacancies in the region's schools. Two dozen young specialists, graduates from universities in Leningrad, Moscow, and Almaty, arrived, but it was not enough.

Under these conditions, the need for creating an institution to train teaching staff naturally arose.

In the pre-war period, the famous thesis "Cadres decide everything" was not just a party slogan; it was a strict directive for all authorities.

Ivan Panteleymonovich Naydenov was sent from the capital of the republic to the region by the decision of the country's leadership to address the complex tasks of establishing the Teachers' Institute.

He was the first appointed director of the Kostanay Teachers' Institute (order of the People's Commissariat of Education dated 01.10.1939).

By that time, he was a well-known educator, poet, and member of the Union of Writers of the Kazakh SSR, with experience as the director of the united opera theater in Almaty.

Naydenov had to quickly master the unfamiliar academic and methodological sphere, investing much effort and energy in forming the staff, strengthening the material and technical base, and ensuring the enrollment of students in the physics and mathematics, natural and geographical departments, as well as in one-year German language courses.

A certain groundwork had been laid by the acting director of the Teachers' Institute, Daulet Ibraev, who dedicated his life to the education system: he was a teacher at Boarding School No. 1, director of Kazakh Secondary School No. 22, and deputy head of the Kostanay Regional Department of Education. For his long years of service, he was awarded the titles "Excellent Worker of Public Education of the Kazakh SSR" and "Honored School Teacher of the Kazakh SSR."

Nevertheless, Naydenov had the challenging task of creating everything from scratch while periodically facing inspections and severe criticism from the leadership, receiving reprimands.

In the 1940-1941 academic year, the number of teachers doubled, and the pride of the staff was the first graduation of teachers. The final exams were held in the first days of the Great Patriotic War.

Having operated for two years in the pre-war period, the institute became an important institution for training teachers and developing science, education, and culture in the region. It became a center for socio-political work in shaping the new person, intellectual, and educator of the young republic. This fair assessment can be found in the institute's historical essays.

This success was achieved thanks to the outstanding organizational skills, strong character, and immense work capacity of the first appointed director, Ivan Panteleymonovich Naydenov. It is no wonder that in the post-war period, he was once again entrusted with leading the institute.

With his inherent energy and now substantial managerial experience in education, he did much to strengthen and develop the Teachers' Institute, which had become dear to him, in the conditions of restoring the national economy in the pre-war period.

Thanks to Naydenov, in 1949, a separate building was allocated at 33 Pushkin Street. The material base included two academic buildings and two dormitories (male and female). The institute offered training in seven specialties, with the teaching staff being enhanced by talented graduates from the country's leading universities and PhD candidates who were educators by vocation. The institute covered students' living expenses.

As a natural result, there was an annual positive trend in student graduations: 83 (1947), 107 (1948), and 117 (1949). For reference: 690 people graduated between 1941 and 1949.

A new task that he did not have time to accomplish was the implementation of the government decree on transitioning to seven-year education.

Naydenov volunteered for the front, where he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, the Order of the Red Star, and the medal "For Military Merit" for his combat qualities.

As someone who had been through the war, he, like many of his contemporaries, was straightforward in his actions and judgments, and persistent in achieving his goals.

On May 15, 1950, Naydenov was removed from his position as director and retained as a senior lecturer. In June 1951, he was expelled from the party, and on August 23, 1951, he was dismissed from the institute.

The true motives remained unknown, and the official version of "hooliganism" (as stated in the documents and for other dismissed teachers) for a Great Patriotic War veteran awarded two orders and four medals is unconvincing.

Despite the drama, Naydenov's name is associated with the establishment of the Teachers' Institute in the pre-war period and its revival during the challenging post-war years.

Enduring all hardships and trials with resilience, he remained in the history of the Teachers' Institute as its first director and a strong leader.

Admission committee