Head of the Internal Audit Service
- 1998-2001 Kostanay University named after A. Baitursynov specialty: "accounting and auditing".
- 1986-1991 Rudnensky Polytechnic Institute specialty: engineer-economist/
Work experience
- 2019 Currently, the Head of the Audit Commission of the National Scientific Oncological Center LLP, Astana;
- 2017-2018 Chief Auditor of the RCP at the Republican Center for Sanitary Aviation in Astana;
- 2006 -2017 Chief Controller-Auditor of the Public Sector Audit Department, State Auditor of the Department of the Internal State Audit Committee of the Internal State Audit Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kostanay;
- 2001-2005 Department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population in Kostanay region Head of the Department of Pensions and Benefits 1998-2001 JSC Currency Transit Bank Head;
- 1994-1998 Chief Accountant of LLP "Agropromkompaniya" 1992-1994 accountant of LLP Astyk1991-1992 engineer-economist State Design Institute of Kostanay.
Phone: +7 777 900 92м28
E-mail: baksobzor@gmail.com