object(DateTime)#1032 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-03-10 12:57:35.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

For entrants


Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov prepares higher education in full-time education. Training is carried out both according to the main educational program lasting 4 years for undergraduate and 5 years for the specialty (for specialties of veterinary medicine), and with a reduced training period of 2-3 years for graduates of colleges or universities. Training in the main educational program is carried out only in full-time form, training in abridged educational programs  - in full-time form of training using distance learning technology (except for Veterinary Medicine).

Persons with general secondary, technical and vocational (primary or secondary vocational), post-secondary or higher education are admitted to study under the main educational program at the university. The enrollment is carried out in accordance with the points of the certificate issued according to the results of the unified national testing (at least 50 points, including at least 5 points - on the history of Kazakhstan, mathematical literacy, reading literacy - the language of instruction, and not less than 5 points for each subject subject, with the exception of those entering higher education educational programs that require creative training). Veterinary medicine - not less than 60 points.

Admission of citizens to the specialty "Journalism" is carried out according to the results of UNT and taking into account two creative exams. The deadlines for receiving documents from June 20 to July 7. Dates for creative exams from July 8 to July 13.Two creative exams:1) creative composition (40 points).2) an interview to identify professional suitability (40 points).UNT certificate - points on the history of Kazakhstan, reading literacy (language of instruction) are taken into account.

Admission to training in a shortened educational program on the basis of technical and vocational or post-secondary education in a related educational program (paid form of training) with a term of study of 3 years is carried out in accordance with an internal written exam. Enrollment in a shortened educational program based on higher education with a term of study of 2 years to the university is carried out in accordance with an internal written exam.

Grants 2019

General state order for training in the Republic of Kazakhstan:with higher education undergraduate - 53,785 grants.with postgraduate education, a magistracy - 13,159 grants.with postgraduate education doctoral PhD - 2,312 places. Acceptance of applications for the competition for a state educational grant from July 13 to 20.

List of documents for admission to the university:

  1. A document on general secondary, technical and vocational, post-secondary or higher education (original);
  2. 6 photo cards measuring 3 x 4 centimeters;
  3. A medical certificate in the form of 086-U;
  4. A UNT certificate (at least 50 points, including at least 5 points - for the history of Kazakhstan, mathematical literacy, reading literacy - the language of instruction, and at least 5 points for each core subject);
  5. Certificate of educational grant award (if any).

Foreign citizens

Admission of foreign citizens to study on a paid basis is carried out according to the results of the interview (documents on education issued by foreign educational organizations are recognized or nostrified in the manner prescribed by law). 

Мagistracy, doctoral studies

The admission of persons to the magistracy, doctoral studies, including on targeted training, the post-graduate studies of OVPO and scientific organizations is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of comprehensive testing (Master's program) or entrance exams (Doctoral studies).

The enrollment of persons in the magistracy is carried out according to the results of complex testing (CT) in accordance with the Scale of the 150-point rating system for CT in the master's program with Kazakh or Russian as the language of instruction of at least 50 points, including in a foreign language - at least 25 points, by profile groups of educational programs: with the choice of one correct answer - at least 7 points, with the choice of one or more correct answers - at least 7 points, in the test for determining readiness for learning - at least 7 points.Admission to doctoral studies is subject to the availability of a certificate (IELTS, TOEFL). The enrollment of persons in doctoral studies is carried out on the basis of an international certificate confirming knowledge of a foreign language in accordance with the pan-European competencies (standards) of knowledge of a foreign language and according to the results of the entrance exam in the profile of a group of educational doctoral programs and scored at least 50 points out of a possible 100 points.

The deadline for accepting applications is from July 3 to 25 of the calendar year. CT, entrance exams for groups of educational programs, creative exams are held from August 8 to August 16 of the calendar year.

List of documents for admission Doctoral studies:

  1. A copy of an identity document;
  2. A certificate of education (original, when submitting documents to the selection committee);
  3. An international certificate confirming knowledge of a foreign language in accordance with the pan-European competencies (standards) of knowledge of a foreign language (IELTS, TOEFL - at least 4.5 points);
  4. Medical certificate form 086-U;
  5. Six photographs measuring 3x4 centimeters;
  6. A personal sheet for personnel records or another document confirming labor activity, certified by the personnel service at the place of work (at least 1 (one) year);
  7. A list of scientific and scientific-methodological works (if any).

Foreign citizens

Admission of foreign citizens to study on a paid basis is carried out according to the results of the interview (documents on education issued by foreign educational organizations are recognized or nostrified in the manner prescribed by law). 

Admission committee