object(DateTime)#1021 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-06-30 20:33:44.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Personnel of the Research Institute of AB

Yskak Aliya

Director of the Research Institute of PB, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

E-mail: alia-almaz@mail.ru

Telephone: 8(7142) 21-12-00

WoS ID: 57205164492

Scopus ID: 57211445306

Scopus Hirsch Index: 4

Scopus ORCID

Chuzhebaeva Gulzhan Dzhambulovna

Head of the testing center, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences

E-mail: gulzhandoc@mail.ru

Telephone: +7 (7142) 21 12 00, +7 (705) 814 91 33

Ryshchanova Raushan Miranbaevna

Head of the Research and Innovation Center, PhD, Professor

E-mail: raushan5888@mail.ru

Telephone: +7 (7142) 21 12 00, +7 (705) 814 91 33

Scopus ORCID

Bermukhametov Zhanaidar Zhagparovich

Researcher of the Research Institute of PB, Master of Technical Sciences

E-mail: djon-31.01@mail.ru

Telephone: +7 (7142) 21 12 00, +7 (705) 412 88 99

Shevchenko Pavel Viktorovich

Researcher of the Research Institute of PB, Master of Technical Sciences

E-mail: shev-pavel@bk.ru

Telephone: +7 (7142) 21 12 00, +7 (705) 669 50 50

Alieva Gulnur Kozyevna

Researcher of the Research Institute of PB, PhD

E-mail: gukan.83@mail.ru

Telephone: +7 (702) 703 49 99

Baymenov Bakhyt Muratovich

Research Associate of the Research Institute of PB, Master of Veterinary Sciences

E-mail: baimenov_baha@mail.ru

Telephone: +7 (7142) 21 12 00, +7 (777) 616 22 44

Admission committee