object(DateTime)#1039 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-03-29 06:35:47.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

It is necessary to be able to throw away

Baitursynuly University ecological club "Eco life" explained to students the rules of the sorting point.

Olga Chechulina, an inspector of the Kaz Eco Patrol, an eco-journalist and a representative of the Helper Charitable Foundation, became the guest of honor of the event. She talked about the separate collection of waste and where it is possible to take recyclables.

Since the beginning of the new academic year, the head of the club, Gulzat Zhetpisbai, noticed that students are often careless about sorting garbage, in particular plastic bottles.

Therefore, Eco life, together with the KRU Green Center, promptly organized a separate plastic collection system and installed special Atameken containers .

Container manufacturing has become an excellent practice for 2nd year students of the specialty "Ecology". The guys enthusiastically joined this useful eco-project.

Admission committee