object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 02:30:18.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Meeting with a Turkish scientist

On November 22, the head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Theory and Practice, Gulfia Safargalieva, along with senior teachers of the department, Didar Zhumekenova, Gulim Tasbolatova, organized a meeting with Ekrem Ayan, the author of the first Turkish book about Ybyray Altynsarin, a Turkish scientist, Ph.D. The meeting was attended by Nurlykhan Temirbekov, vice-rector for social issues and educational affairs of Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov, candidate of philological sciences, poet, member of the Union of Writers of the Republic of Kazakhstan Serikbai Ospanov, director of Kostanay Regional Memorial Museum named after Ybyray Altynsarin Margulan Ospanov, as well as "Physical training and sports ", students of the specialty "Tourism" participated.

During the meeting, there was a discussion about current issues of education and science, relations between the two countries, and magistracy in foreign countries. Students were able to ask their questions and establish feedback. The foreign guest answered questions about student internships in Turkey, admission to master's degree.

At the end of the meeting, the head of the department, Gulfia Safargalieva, thanked the guests and proposed to involve the students of KOU in international projects in the future.

Admission committee