object(DateTime)#1038 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-02-05 09:48:00.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

"STUDENT years ARE THE BEST in life"

- this was emphasized by the rector of Baitursynuly University, opening the festival of freshmen.

"Armysyzdar – bul biz!" - the festival with a telling name fully provided the stage to our first-timers.

And it was cool! There was a place on the stage for choreography that broke the applause, and a philosophy of life that stung the eyes.

It was also bright, loud and very fun. The guys gave the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the KRU a powerful energy.

Rector Seitbek KUANYSHBAYEV celebrated the best students on this day according to the results of the last academic year. The emergency situation with the flood in the spring did not allow us to sum up the results festively. It was caught up at the festival.

So, our BEST students!

In the nomination "Discovery of the Year":

"Leader of the Year":

According to the results of the rating "The best student club - 2024":

Congratulations to all participants of the festival! You really lit up. May the whole academic year be just as bright, cohesive and joyful!

Admission committee