object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 00:51:46.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Meeting with employers

December 2, 2021 within the walls of the University. A. Baitursynov at the Institute of Economics and Law named after P. Chuzhinov, representatives of Halyk Bank held a guest lecture - a problematic lecture, which was organized by the Department of Economics and Finance. Over the 30 years of Kazakhstan's independence, Halyk Bank has proved its competitiveness and sustainability. Students of 2-3 courses of educational programs in finance and economics got acquainted with the products and services of the People's Bank, thereby demonstrating high-quality services in demand. During the lecture, students registered in the Halyk Bank application and received 500 tenge bonuses.

A problematic lecture on the problems of the functioning of commercial banks was delivered by Grigorieva Saniya Akylbekovna - head of the personal service center No. 3; the types of products and services were highlighted by Tatyana Novikova - Deputy Personal Service Center No. 1; Amerbek Aigul and Umirzakova Anel, senior managers, answered the students' questions.

The problematic lecture was interesting and informative.

Admission committee