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History of Regional Journalism from the Journalists Themselves

An evening of remembrance for journalists who made a significant contribution to the development of journalism in Kostanay was held in the namesake auditorium of the writer, poet, and journalist Ilyas Baitursyn of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities.

The Regional Union of Journalists, led by its chairman Alexandra Sergazinova, initiated this meeting, with the Department of Journalism and Communication Management supporting it.

In every editorial office, there are people who have dedicated their entire lives to journalism. They are not only writing journalists but also photo correspondents, operators. Surely, many have read their articles or are familiar with their materials, but they do not know their lives, the difficulties they have faced. We want people to know more about veteran professionals and active journalists.

Among the guests were representatives of regional, regional, and city media, as well as students and faculty of the Department of Journalism and Communication Management.

The organizers prepared stories about the lives of journalists who are no longer with us.

For students, some of their names are well-known because while studying the history of regional journalism, they became acquainted with their work.

Photos provided by the newspaper "Nash Kostanay".

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