object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 08:39:22.000000"
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"Hello, it's us!"

This year, the university's student body increased by 2615 people. The initiation of students is one of the most important traditions of the university. On this day, hundreds of young people - no longer schoolchildren but not yet students - receive their first ticket to adult life.

Recently, the annual festival for freshmen called "Hello, it's us!" took place at KRU named after A. Baitursynuly. The event is part of the initiation of freshmen into students.

Traditionally, just before the festival, initiations in the form of quest games are held in each institute. This year, they were dedicated to the anniversary dates of Alash Orda activists.

The freshman festival is the final stage of initiation, where first-year students represent their faculties. On this day, freshmen debuted in roles crucial for student life: they acted as actors, singers, and dancers. Without exaggeration, they did it brightly and emotionally! These were completely different but consistently talented and playful improvisations on the topics of future professions, motivations for choosing them, and entering the university.

After the performances, a competent jury assigned scores, which will be summed up later. At the end of the academic year, the results will be announced, and the winner in the "Best Institute or Faculty" category will be revealed.

After the performances, the Youth Policy Department presented symbolic student tickets to the freshmen.

Well, good luck on your journey, friends! Excellent studies, great victories, and the most unforgettable student life!

Admission committee