object(DateTime)#1029 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-10-16 13:05:08.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Coordination meeting and training at TalTech

From October 7 to 11, 2024, part of the working group of the UnWaste project of Kostanay Regional University, headed by the local coordinator of the project Gulnara Yunusova, conducted educational and practical trainings and a coordination meeting at Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia.

The meeting at Tallinn University was organised by the local project coordinator Wolfgang Gerstlberger, project manager Tarmo Tuisk, and the head of the Department of Business Administration, Ms. Anna-Maria Nizovtseva.

In addition to Kostanay University, the meeting was attended by project manager Kakabaev Anuarbek Ayazbaevich and representatives of the working group from the Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov, local coordinator Satybaldieva Gulmira Kalmashevna and the working group from the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after Saken Seifullin (KazATIU), as well as the grantholder university of the project Wismar University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule Wismar, Wismar, Germany) with the participation of Gunnar Prause and Svetlana Saidensal.

During the entire meeting, the working groups discussed the implementation of the project, the stages of implementation of the master's program in waste management in partner universities of Kazakhstan, and also shared opinions on the successes and problems in fulfilling the project's tasks, discussed the design of the official website of the project, which was presented by specialists from Ualikhanov University.

In addition to the active discussion of the project tasks, professional trainings were organized for the participants in the direction of "Circular Economy and Sustainable Development", in which experienced speakers from Tallinn University (Mr. Wolfgang Gerstlberger, Mrs. Margit Kull, Merle Küttim, Jelena Hartšenko and Jaana Merisaar) shared their knowledge in this area, set tasks for the listeners, and also expected the implementation of certain answers and solutions to the questions posed. For practical skills, field trips were organized to various innovative enterprises and centers of Tallinn: «Tallinn Strategy Centre», «Lilleküla Circular Economy Centre», and others.

Following the meeting, the participants decided on the further implementation of the project: implementation of the student mobility program, academic interaction between universities, as well as participation in the new Erasmus + project, the priority direction of which would take into account the interests of all partner universities and would attract significant financial and intellectual investments.

Admission committee