object(DateTime)#1039 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-03-14 20:33:48.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

In Search of the Red Book Gyrfalcon

Baitursynuly University students took part in field research on the conservation of the Red Book bird.

Together with Kanat Batyrkhanuly, a specialist of the Kazakhstan Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity (ASBK), students of the Biology educational program Serik Amangeldiev, Bauyrzhan Dusenov and Daniil Khristinetsky monitored the gyrfalcon on the territory of the Turgai trough, the Trans-Ural and Turgai plateau, covering seven districts of the Kostanay region.

The main task of the expedition was the discovery of a rare gyrfalcon bird (Vanellus gregarius), which is listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

During the field work, the gyrfalcon was found in the Amangelda and Zhangeldinsky districts. By the way, 95% of the world's gyrfalcon population nests in Kazakhstan.

In addition, the children observed more than 30 species of birds: the beautiful crane, the red-headed diving duck, the white-winged tern, the great grebe, lapwing and others.

During the expedition, the students worked out methods for determining birds and types of route accounting in their natural habitat, using methods of visual accounting, audio accounting and nest accounting.

The students gained invaluable experience in field ornithological research, learned how to use equipment and special programs for conducting ornithological research.

The participation of students in field research is part of a series of events that are held in order to improve the knowledge and skills of future specialists in the field of nature protection within the framework of the project "Students for Nature", implemented by the Kazakhstan Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity (ASBK) in partnership with the Chevron company.

Admission committee