object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 14:00:23.000000"
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Scientists from BU are working on a 7-volume edition on the History of Kazakhstan

As iswell-known, at the initiative of the President, work is underway in Kazakhstan to write a new academic history of Kazakhstan in 7 volumes, involving more than 250 scientists. Among them are researchers from A. BaitursynulyKostanay Regional University, who have been involved in the development of some issues included in the fifth volume of this edition.

It will include materials on the history from the 18th to the early 20th centuries, when Kazakhstan was part of the Russian Empire.

Particularly, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor AibekShalgimbekov is working on the development of one of the acute and debatable topics - the history of military colonization of the Steppe region in the second half of the 18th and the first third of the 19th century.Relying on the already studied fundamental research, the scientist has found a significant range of documentary sources from the Central State Archive of Kazakhstan, the archive of the Russian Navy, as well as archives of Orenburg and Omsk, thereby introducing them into scientific circulation for the first time.

Another scientist from Kostanay, OtegenIsenov prepared a section on the aims of the Russian Empire's revival of the institute of Kazakh tarkhans. By studying a large and disparate array of archival materials, he was able to clarify the personal data, origin, and socio-political activities of over 50 patriotic Kazakh tarkhans.

During their research, scientists O. Isenov and A. Shalgimbekov worked in archives and libraries of Kazakhstan and Russia, manuscript and cartographic funds, attended International scientific-practical conferences, published research results in scientific journals and collective monographs, and participated in scientific expeditions. The topics they developed successfully underwent review in Kazakhstan, Russia, and the United Kingdom.

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