object(DateTime)#1038 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-02-05 16:47:14.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"


Representatives of Baitursynuly University took part in the republican conference "Common origins and features of the development of the Turkic peoples of Kazakhstan".

The conference was held within the framework of the TURKfest.kst.2024 festival. Kenzhegul YESSIRKEPOVA, Director of the U. Sultangazin Pedagogical Institute, made a welcoming speech.

Reports on the topic of the conference were presented by Professor KRU Zhakip KALKAMAN, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Candidate of Historical Sciences Alibek TABULDENOV and Professor Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey) Gülsüm Songül Ercan.

Recall that a professor from a Turkish university is currently teaching at our university as part of academic mobility.

Admission committee