object(DateTime)#1026 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-01 00:17:22.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Seminars with stakeholders

At the department of natural sciences of the pedagogical institute named after U. Sultangazin, a week of methodical seminars was held. 

The seminar on the topic "Ways to improve the quality of training for future chemistry and biology teachers from the standpoint of the effectiveness of pedagogical practice" was conducted based on the results of pedagogical practice, where stakeholder, teachers of schools were invited: Kuralai Zhumagulova, a chemistry and biology teacher from the specialized boarding school named after I. Altynsarin; Gulzhan Alpyspaeva, a biology teacher and a pedagogical researcher from school-Lyceum No. 2; Ksenia Pushkarskaya, a biology teacher from School No. 8; Madina Abildinova, a biology teacherholding a Master's degree in natural sciences from the gymnasium named after S. Maulenov,. Employers noted the students' good theoretical preparation and the students' interest in laboratory classes (conducting chemical experiments, modeling, and solving problems).

As a recommendation, it was suggested to take into account the age and educational needs of students when developing additional tasks. The joint discussion at the seminar provided a platform for collaborative solutions to improve the quality of preparation for future chemistry and biology teachers. Certificates were awarded the invited speakers of the methodical seminar.

Another seminar, "Chemical-ecological research of environmental objects," took place based on the results of the scientific internship of the "500 scientists" project of the international Bolashak program. During this seminar, issues related to the organization and conducting of field trip within summer internship were discussed, and practical bases at the Forestry University in Sofia were also presented.The seminar participants were showed the materials of the university'sactivities and research laboratory and the conducted research on environmental objects (water and soil). Specifically, the analysis included determining the elemental composition of soil using atomic absorption spectroscopy, determining total nitrogen (as nitrate and ammonium ions) in water and soil using the Kjeldahl method, and methods for determining potassium (K2O) in soil. At the end of the seminar, participants had the opportunity to ask questions that interested them.


Admission committee