object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 18:07:16.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Seminar Took Place...

The latest session of the university-wide seminar "Scientific-Methodological Issues of Economic Theory: Theory and Practice" is dedicated to the Address of the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, to the people of Kazakhstan dated September 1, 2023. Faculty members from the economics and law department and students participated in the event.

Dr. Sansyzbay Zhientayev, a doctor of economic sciences and a professor at the Department of Economics and Finance, delivered a presentation on the topic "Agrarian-Economic Foundations of Food Security in Kazakhstan." He emphasized that approximately 90% of the issues raised by the country's President in the Address were related to economic problems. Therefore, the presenter focused on the question of preserving and strengthening Kazakhstan's food security. He analyzed the agrarian economic foundations of our country's food security, aiming to increase the production of socially significant products for the population and enhance the export potential of Kazakhstan's agricultural production. President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev paid special attention to these issues in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan.

Associate Professors Nalima Sartanova and the head of the Department of Economics and Finance, Dina Kenzhebekova, also presented reports as co-speakers. They examined the issues of agrarian-economic foundations of food security in Kazakhstan from the perspective of its financial and budgetary support. A comparative analysis of financial support for agricultural production in Eurasian countries was provided.


Admission committee