Students of Baitursynuly University have once again secured top places in the National Scientific Research Competition!
The competition was held at the Kazakh National Agrarian University in Almaty.
Stanislav Zavorotny, a third-year student of Baitursynuly University's "Agronomy" educational program, presented his research on the effects of biological preparations on chickpea productivity in the southern chernozem soils of the Kostanay region. His research, supervised by PhD, Associate Professor Asiya Ansabayeva, came in second place.
In third place, returning from the southern capital, came the fifth-year "Veterinary Medicine" student Alibi Akanov. His project, "The Presence of Hemolytic Microorganisms in Cow’s Milk," was supervised by Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Raushan Ryschanova.
Congratulations to them and their mentors on their well-deserved victories! We wish you continued success and groundbreaking discoveries in science!