object(DateTime)#1039 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-03-29 06:14:15.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Apache 3 Scientific Swims

Scientists at Baitursynuly University are studying the depths of the region's reservoirs. 

The Apache 3 unmanned aerial vehicle/drone is actively used this summer by employees of the LabNetWork laboratory complex of the Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynuly.

The unique device was acquired as part of the project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan - "Creation of a system for operational monitoring of water resources and environmental control of hydraulic engineering structures in Northern Kazakhstan". .

The APACHE 3 hydrographic drone is a small, automated system that includes a ground control station and a vessel.

The vessel is equipped with a single-frequency echo sounder and a water parameter sensor to study the depths of reservoirs. The control station communicates with the vessel via radio or cellular communication, allowing hydrographic surveys to be performed over long distances.

Apache 3 has already been involved in expeditions to assess the bottom relief and water volumes of reservoirs in Kostanay region. All work is carried out within the framework of the research of the republican project.

These days, KRU scientists go to the Verkhnetobolskoye and Karatomarskoye reservoirs, conduct a bathymetric study of the bottom, collect water, soil and plant material for further research in the laboratory.

Research is conducted by the employees of the Scientific Research Center  (CRC) - Almabek Batyrzhanovich Nugmanov, Vadim Nikolaevich Chashkov, Adil Aidarovich Nurpeisov, Temirlan Maratovich Mukanov, and a master's student of the university, Artyom Vyacheslavovich Bashev.

Importantly, a water drone can be of great benefit to the region, given that the bottom of the reservoirs has changed significantly after the spring flood.

The device is designed to perform automatic three-dimensional surveys of both underwater and surface space during engineering-geodetic, engineering-hydrographic, and engineering-hydrometeorological surveys.  .

It is effective in studying the bottom relief, examining underwater pipeline crossings, the condition of bearing supports of bridges and dams.

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