object(DateTime)#1026 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-06-30 22:23:55.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Young in Science

A round table discussion titled "Integrative Roundtable: Uniting Knowledge and Experience" was held at KRU, dedicated to Science Day and organized with the support and initiative of the Council of Young Scientists. The aim was to provide a platform for students from various specialties to integrate and exchange knowledge, experiences, and ideas.

There were experts from the Council of Young Scientists, moderated by the senior lecturer of the psychology department, Master of Pedagogical Sciences Aina Rakhmatulina.

The round table began with a speech from the Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation, and Digitialization, Zhenis Zharlygassov, who emphasized that engaging in scientific research allows young people to expand their knowledge in their chosen field, contribute to the development of science, and deepen their understanding of specific topics, as well as develop professional skills.

The students from the 2nd and 3rd years of different educational programs presented their research and scientific ideas. All 27 presentations demonstrated their ability to find points of intersection between various scientific fields, creating an atmosphere of dynamic and productive discussion on relevant topics.

The experts of the round table were attracted by the presentations of Anel Akizhanova and Elvira Kasymova on the topic "Biotechnology: zhetikteri men bolashagi," discussing the perspectives and possibilities of biotechnology. Aruzhan Kazymbek presented on the topic "State confessional policy in the 1920s-30s and mechanisms for its implementation," examining issues related to state religious policies during the 1920s-30s. Christina Fritz explored "The Transformation of ethical norms in the digital information space," emphasizing the need to review norms and values in the digital era. Batyrkhan Olzhabayev addressed an issue of the day of modern society, "How gambling affects human psychology."

All participants in the roundtable discussion were awarded certificates by the Head of the Department of Science and Commercialization, Andrey Koval, and thanked for their participation.

Admission committee