The results of the scientific works of students were summed up on May 2 at the scientific research conference "Youth and Science - keys to the future," traditionally held at the University of Sultangazin Pedagogical Institute.
The organization of the students' scientific research work aimed to familiarize them with new theoretical, methodological, and technological achievements of domestic and foreign science, modern methods of scientific research, processing and interpretation of experimental data, as well as acquiring research skills for professional work. A total of 12 scientific works were selected and presented in various fields. The works of the students were evaluated based on the relevance of the research, theoretical and practical orientation, and methods of analysis. The teachers and students actively participated in the discussion of the presentations.
The jury members were Esirkepova K.K., Ph.D. in Philology, Segizbaeva K.K., Ph.D. in Philology, KasabulatA.Zh., Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Bezaubekova S.S., Deputy Director of the Scientific Library.
The results of the conference:
The 1st place - Yuliya Priyazhikh, the 4th-year student of the Chemistry-Biology (6Б01511), with the work "Outbreak of Stem Pests after a Catastrophic Fire in the Amankaragai Forest." Scientific supervisor: Bragina T.M., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor.
The 2nd place - Kenzhebek Zhumabayev, the 3rd-year student of the Geography (6В01506), with the work "Analysis of Migration Processes in the Kostanay Region for the Period 2020-2023." Scientific supervisor: Baubekova G., Master of Pedagogical Sciences.
The 2nd place - Sultan Iskakov, a 2nd-year student of the Chemistry-Biology (6Б01511), with the work "Development of a Laboratory Photocolorimeter based on Arduino." Scientific supervisor: Gubenko M.A., Senior Lecturer.
The 2nd place - Dilnaz Nurtazinova, a 3rd-year student of the Tourism (6В11101), with the work "Impact of Aggregators on Promoting Food Service Enterprises." Scientific supervisor: Shkvarenko N.S., Master of Tourism.
The 3rd place - Alexandra Kadzhaya, a 2nd-year student of the Russian Language and Literature (6В01703), with the work "Stereotype as a Linguo-mental Unit of Discourse." Scientific supervisor: Segizbaeva K.K., Ph.D. in Philology.
The 3rd place - Aida Kazbekova, a student of the Foreign Language (6В01705), with the work "Study of the online board 'Classroomscreen' as an interactive multimedia tool for teaching English vocabulary in secondary school." Scientific supervisor: Kudritskaya M.I., Ph.D. in Pedagogy.
The 3rd place - Polina Vasilieva, a student of the Pedagogy and Psychology (6В01101), with the work "Features of Intercultural Communicative Competence of University Students." Scientific supervisor: Nazmutdinov Rizabek, Ph.D. in Psychology.