object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 13:59:23.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Ideological People

An innovative taxi aggregator, bioplastic made from waste, podcast "#UyatEmes", cyclobox, a mushroom farm... All of this is the ideas of Baitursynuly University students, which they presented at the BAITURSYNULY ILIMDERI startup competition.

The best of the best received cash prizes from the Rector of KRU.

The competition took place in two stages. Initially, the students presented 40 projects, but only 17 made it to the final.

This year, the competition is being held under the auspices of the week of Science, the Rector of Baitursynuly University noted, Seitbek Kuanyshbayev.

"We are pleased that we have active, ambitious youth studying with us. And our task is to help you in implementing ideas, motivate, and stimulate."

It wasn't easy for the students - all the information about the startup needed to be conveyed in three minutes. But it was worth it - the winners received funding for the development of their startups. The prize fund amounted to 400 thousand tenge.

It's time to announce the winners of the BAITURSYNULY ILIMDERI startup competition!

And the winners are...

The 1st place and the main prize of 100,000 tenge went to Eldana Murat, a student of the Pedagogical Institute, with the project "Nomadic" - a visual novel-style game about the culture and history of the Turkic people that impressed the jury with its creativity and innovative approach.

The 2nd place was shared among two students:

The authors were awarded 75,000 tenge each for the development of their projects.

In the 3rd place, three projects stood out:

The bronze winners received 50,000 tenge each.

Congratulations to the winners!

Admission committee