object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 14:02:43.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Student inclusive quest "On the path to self and success!" took place at the Center for Inclusive Education and Innovative Educational Technologies, organized by the Head SauleAitkuzhinova. The event was held within the grant project of the US Embassy in

In the framework of Science week, we talk about the discoveries, inventions, and experiments of Baitursynuly University scientists.

KRU's laboratory of archaeological research opens this week, which found the key to unlocking the mystery of the Torgai geoglyphs.

The discovery, involving not only members of the laboratory but also our students and colleagues from A. K. Margulan Institute of Archaeology,it has caused a sensation in the world of history.

"There were many versions and myths about the origin of the geoglyphs," senior researcher at the archaeological laboratorysays, Irina Shevnina. "For years, we only had circumstantial evidence suggesting they belonged to the early Iron Age. However, last year, we excavated a burial of a man and a woman in the Karaturgayring, providing us with a lot of information and allowing us to date the geoglyphs.

Now we have no doubt that it is the early Iron Age, Sarmats."

As of today, four out of nine mounds have been excavated. What the other mounds hold will be revealed this summer.

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