object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 08:57:52.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"


Economists and lawyers annually become the leaders of the highest paid specialists in Kazakhstan. Would you agree that there is a weighty argument in favor of admission to the Faculty of Economics and Law at Baitursynuly University?

The dean of this faculty, Aidar Kasymovich Baykin, told about the educational programs of our university at a meeting with schoolchildren of the Naurzum district.

By the way, a whole delegation from KRU went to the district – heads of departments, teachers and the most active students.

School graduates and their parents were shown the presentation "10 reasons why I choose BAITURSYNULY UNIVERSITY", told about what awaits an applicant at our university and answered all their questions.

Do you have any? If yes, please contact the admissions committee. We will be glad to see you among our studen

 ➡ @kru_kst_priyem

📲 WhatsApp +7 775 143 4142

🏫Do the RIGHT THING – go to KRU!

Admission committee