object(DateTime)#1038 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-02-05 08:54:25.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Career Guidance in Rudny Colleges

Faculty members from the social-humanitarian sciences and economics and law faculties conducted career guidance work in colleges in Rudny.

Dean of the Faculty of Social-Humanitarian Sciences, Alibek Tabuldenov, addressed students at the Rudny Social-Humanitarian College named after Y. Altynsarin and the Rudny College of Technology and Service, introducing the university, providing information about the educational programs of the university, with a detailed focus on the programs of the Faculty of Social-Humanitarian Sciences. Students learned about the features of practice-oriented learning, academic mobility for students, and the existence of a military department.

Regina Akhmetkalieva, Head of the Department of Foreign Philology, and Saeidy Ritter, an assistant professor from Nebraska, USA, presented information about the Department of Foreign Philology, the advantages of mastering foreign languages, and the opportunity for KRU students to communicate with a native speaker.

Gulmira Akhmetkali, Senior Lecturer at the Department of State and Law Theory, demonstrated videos, explained the peculiarities of admission and studying in legal educational programs, and conducted an intellectual game on law with students. Ivan Tupikov, a first-year master's student in History, informed students about the possibility of enrolling in the program "Archiving, Documentation, and Museology."

The faculty expresses gratitude to the directors of Rudny Social-Humanitarian College Y. Altynsarin, Zhomart Qusayin, and Rudny College of Technology and Service, Aigul Tatyanoval, for their assistance in organizing these events.

Admission committee