object(DateTime)#1026 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-01 00:21:09.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"


Currently, over 70 students from BAITURSYNULY UNIVERSITY are in Poland, undergoing practical training at one of the largest innovative agricultural enterprises, PrimаVega.

This initiative, initiated by Baitursynuly University as the base university for the project, resulted in agreements on internships and academic mobility with the International Academy of Applied Sciences in Lomza, Poland, with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Poland.

All expenses related to the transfer, accommodation, and meals of Kazakh students are covered by the Polish side. During the practice period, from June to October, students receive a monthly salary. Besides practical skills, the students attend lectures by European scholars from the International Academy of Applied Sciences. All disciplines studied at the partner university will be credited.

This project provides significant opportunities for Kostanay students, allowing them to travel across Europe during weekends. Excursions and other cultural events are organized for students and graduate students during their stay. The curatorship during the practice period is entrusted to Professor Asel Ergazin, head of the Veterinary Medicine Department, who manages all organizational matters concerning students' practice, life, leisure, and also performs work within the practice program.

Admission committee