object(DateTime)#1029 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-10-20 12:47:43.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Seminar for teachers

The Department of "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture and Sports" conducted a regional methodological seminar for subject teachers from urban and district general secondary schools on the topic "Improving the Content and Methods of Teaching in the Context of Improving the Quality of Education."  Specifically, the seminar focused on the role of physical culture in improving the quality of education.

The first part of the seminar featured presentations by Gulfiya Safaralieva, Head of the Department, Didar Zhumekenova, Senior Lecturer, and physical culture teachers from Zarechenskaya Secondary School, Sosnovskaya and Yubileinaya general education schools, and other schools in the region.  The speakers discussed innovative technologies used in physical culture lessons. Gulmira Baimanova, a 4th-year student of the "Physical Culture and Sports" educational program, also presented a paper on "Innovative and Interactive Technologies in Educational Activities in Physical Culture."

During the practical part of the seminar, physical culture teachers exchanged opinions on the benefits and effective methods of teaching children how to play football and volleyball.  A master class on the topic "Methods Used in Physical Culture Lessons at School within the Framework of Inclusive Education" was also conducted within the framework of the seminar.

In the final part of the seminar, issues of improving the quality of the subject of physical culture, activating group work in schools were discussed, and the competence of subject teachers for high-quality physical education lessons was discussed. At the end of the seminar, the participants of the regional seminar were awarded certificates.

Admission committee