object(DateTime)#1026 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-06-30 19:04:16.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Oath. Solemn moment

44 students of the military department of Baitursynuly University took the oath in a solemn atmosphere. The touching moment was shared with the children not only by teachers, but also by relatives.

The guys studied for a year to become specialists in motorized rifle troops and communications troops. Soon they will be awarded the rank of junior reserve sergeant.

Do you also want to receive a military ID and military rank in parallel with the main educational program?

Join us at the military department!

According to the training program for reserve officers, training lasts 2 years, for reserve sergeants - only a year.

 Relevant for both boys and girls. True, girls can only study under the reserve officer program.

The information was prepared by 3rd year student of the Department of Journalism and Communication Management of Baitursynuly University Saule SEITENOVA.

Admission committee