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Participation in the final meeting on the international project Kutel

In the period from 11 to 13 October in Almaty, on the basis of the International University of Information Technologies, a final meeting was held on the completion of the international Kutel project "Kazakh Universities to foster quality assurance processes in Technology Enhanced Learning"

The final meeting was held in two formats: offline and online. All foreign partners from Italy, Bulgaria, Greece and Finland and some partners from Kazakhstani universities took part in the final meeting online. Most of the Kazakhstani partners took a direct part in the final meeting. From Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynova attended the final meeting in the off-line format Kifik Natalya Yurievna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Project Manager. Bezhina Viktoria Valerievna, Doctor of PhD, Bekmagambetov Ruslan Kabdugalievich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, took part in the on-line format in the work of the project; Gridneva Veronika Mikhailovna.

On October 11, 2021, members of the KUTEL project took part in the International Conference "TEL Innovations and Quality in Education" in

 within the framework of the project on the basis of the International University of Information Technologies (IITU).

The main purpose of the conference was to discuss the processes of reforming and modernizing higher education in Kazakhstan through the implementation of a national quality assurance system for teaching using technology, guaranteeing the improvement and implementation of accreditation standards, as well as aspects of guidelines / procedures for quality assurance of technology-based courses and curricula on national level.

From the Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursyova, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture and Sports, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Natalya Yurievna Kifik, made a report at the conference, highlighting the main directions of using TEL henolgy in the conditions of the KRU named after A. Baitursynov.

During the final meeting on the international project, the results of the work on the activities of the international project were summed up, with which the international coordinators of the University. Guglielmo Marconi Rome; Analysis of management and financial and administrative documents for the main work packages; Analysis of issues related to quality assurance for the work of an international project. Review of quality assurance activities, in particular the Final Report on Quality Assurance of the University. Guglielmo Marconi Rome

 In addition, on the basis of the Kutel laboratory, members of the IUIT team conducted a Demo lesson with a demonstration of recording video lectures using TEL technologies :. Kazakhstani partners had the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of their colleagues on the use of ICT in the educational process.

Also during the meeting, the issues of dissemination and use of the project results at the national, institutional and individual levels were considered.

Despite the final meeting, the work on the international project has not been completed, it is necessary to maintain sustainable development for the implementation of the project results in the educational process of universities for five years.

Admission committee