object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 06:41:38.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"


In April in Kazakhstan, the Republican subject Olympiads among universities ended, where students of different specialties competed for the best title. Overall, students of KRU named after A. Baitursynov showed commendable results. Remember, in the Olympiad on the theory and methodology of physical culture and sports among university students, our students took 1st place, thus earning the right to host the XVI Republican Olympiad, which will take place in the next academic year.

In addition to this, the team of the "History" educational program, which included students of years 2-4 and its head - the senior teacher of the department of social and humanitarian disciplines PhD Gulmira Sametova, in a stubborn two-day fight among 14 teams, took 3rd place.

Also, a 3rd-year foreign philology student, Tumar Manabaeva, took 3rd place among students in the "Foreign Languages" group of specialties.

In the subject Olympiad in psychology, where 18 universities of Kazakhstan and 54 best students of Kazakhstan participated, the psychology students of the Institute of Economics and Law under the guidance of the senior teacher of the Department of Psychology Olesia Yelchishcheva, who, by the way, participated in this Olympiad for the first time, also took 3rd place!

And a 3rd-year student, Dmitry Bondaruk of the "Agronomy" educational program, who also took 3rd place, in competition among 18 universities and 30 students, Dmitry was among the best. Together with their supervisor, the senior teacher of the Department of Agronomy Dinara Kultaeva, they participated in this Olympiad for the first time and showed good results.

A 3rd-year student, Delnaz Zhakeeva of the "Veterinary Sanitation" educational program, also took 3rd place in the JV Republican subject Olympiad held at the Kazakhstan National Agrarian Research University.

We congratulate all the winners and participants of the Republican subject Olympiads, as well as their leaders, teachers who, together with students, achieved such results!

Admission committee