object(DateTime)#1029 (3) {
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Discussing the Quality of Educational Programs

The round-table discussion on the topic of “Modernization of the educational process in the group of educational programs ‘Business, Management, Law’ was held with the participation of representatives of the scientific community of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, stakeholders, and students under the leadership of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the P. Chuzhin Institute of Economics and Law.

The Concept of Education Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022–2026 notes that “the system of specialist training should transition to a model of proactive personnel provision. Its key task is to ensure effective alignment of demand for new professions with the supply of human resources in regional and sectoral terms. Universities will be the key link in building this model.”

The issue of modernizing legal education is one of the most pressing in the current stage of state development. The Concept of Legal Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030 notes that “restoring the quality of legal education is a fundamental condition for the sustainable development of the legal system of Kazakhstan. An important role in this matter is played by improving the higher education curriculum.”

Well-known foreign scientists from Russia and Belarus presented reports online. Employers also contributed their proposals for improving the educational process, particularly regarding the development of joint educational programs and the introduction of specific courses into the curriculum.

Lecturers from the legal and economics departments emphasized the specifics and methodological features of teaching legal disciplines, as well as the financial literacy of students in non-economic educational programs.

The joint creative work of foreign and domestic scientists, lecturers, and employers allows the university’s legal and economics educational programs to be competitive in the modern labor market.

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