object(DateTime)#1026 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-01 00:24:30.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

New Approaches in Physical Training Coaching

A scientific-methodical seminar on "Innovative Approaches in Physical Training Coaching" was held today at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports. The seminar featured the participation of Dr. Emin Atasoy, a professor from Uludag University (Turkey). Participants exchanged experiences on the topic and discussed the relevance and prospects of the issue.

During the seminar, participants connected online with the dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports at Bursa Uludag University and his deputy. The dean, Professor Ramiz, spoke about his university, possible forms of collaboration between universities and departments, particularly focusing on the Department of Physical Culture. The potential for collaboration, such as joint master's programs, summer camps, academic mobility programs, and co-authored projects, sparked interest.

Representatives from Bursa Uludag University presented materials on innovative approaches to physical education, shared experiences in organizational and research activities, and provided valuable information on journals for publishing articles in international ranking journals. Certificates were awarded to teachers at the end of the seminar.

Admission committee