object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 14:05:30.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Media Law for Future Journalists

Baktygul Burbaeva, the director of the public association Kazakhstan Media Network and a media trainer, conducted an online training session on "Media Literacy, Media Law, Media Ethics: What's New?" for 2nd and 3rd-year students of the Journalism and Communication Management Department. The webinar was part of the "Ethics, Media Legislation" discipline.

Students familiarized themselves with the new law "On Online Platforms and Online Advertising" and learned about the points in the draft law "On Mass Media" currently under discussion in parliament and questioned by the journalistic professional community. Baktygul Burbaeva introduced Journalism program students to organizations supporting legal and ethical safety of media in Kazakhstan. Students also learned about the basic principles of media adopted in the journalistic community of Kazakhstan, ensuring effective media work within the norms of professional ethics.

Dmitry Sherepa, a 2nd-year student, was recognized for active participation and received a gift - the "Legal Handbook for Journalists" published by the North Kazakhstan Legal Media Center.

Admission committee